Atlanta IDD therapy, or Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy, is a non-invasive chiropractic technique use to treat painful back conditions that arise from internal disc decompression. It was development as a means of treating lower back pain and has evolved into a general non-surgical method of treating a number of painful back conditions. A large number of studies have been carried out that have proved its effectiveness in doing so.
Atlanta IDD therapy,

or Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy, is a non-invasive chiropractic technique use to treat painful back conditions that arise from internal disc decompression. It was development as a means of treating lower back pain and has evolved into a general non-surgical method of treating a number of painful back conditions. A large number of studies have been carried out that have proved its effectiveness in doing so.
Because of the design of your spine (more later) your thoracic vertebrae, the middle 12, have very thin discs, and are less susceptible to the damage of the first 7 cervical vertebrae that involve a lot of movement, and the last 5 (sometimes 6) lumbar vertebrae that have thick discs to help cushion the pressure of the sacrum and general heavy lifting. For that reason IDD is generally used only for pain involving cervical and lumbar regions of the spine.
Spinal problems can cause not only pain at the site of the problem, but also pain in the arms and legs, weakness of muscles and also bladder and bowel problems created by a condition known as cauda equina syndrome which is a medical emergency brought on by herniated discs. What is Atlanta IDD Therapy Used For? Although in Atlanta ID therapy is not generally associated with prescription drugs, some do use painkillers to help with pain relief during the initial stages. This is because IDD therapy is not an instant cure, but longer term, involving a course of therapy of 4 weeks or more after which a reduction in herniation has been seen in up to more than 85% of cases. Among the conditions that are suitable for Atlanta IDD therapy are sciatica, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs and posterior facet syndrome together with some chronic and acute forms of lower back pain. Although designed mainly for lower back pain, the system has also been found to be effective with some forms of neck pain involving cervical disc herniation and degeneration, and the Spina System of IDD Therapy has received FDA clearance as a Class II Medical device for decompression to both the both lumbar and cervical areas of the back.
How Does it Work? The system of treatment is computer controlled and carried out while you are relaxed and comfortable. In order to understand how it works, it is first necessary to understand the anatomy of your spine. You spine consists of 24 bones known as vertebrae, through which your spinal cord, the main nerve in your body, passes. Obviously these bones have to be able to move relative to each other or you would not be able to bend or move your neck. Each vertebra is connected to the next in two ways. First, there are what are known as facet joints, lined with cartilage and synovial fluid. Inflammation of the synovial lining is painful, and this can treated using Atlanta IDD Therapy. Secondly, there are what are commonly known as the discs, the shock absorbers of your spinal column. They consist of a tough fibrous ring containing a soft gel known as the nucleus pulposus and containing a lot of water that helps absorb the shock between successive vertebrae.
In Atlanta IDD therapy is used to treat conditions where this pulpopus has herniated, or come through the fibrous ring. Basically it does so by creating a negative pressure within the discs so that herniation is decreased and damage repair can commence. Basically IDD opens the disc like a bellows being opened, creating a vacuum inside, and allowing the suction of oxygen and water into it, regenerating the pulposus, and the disc gradually regains its properties.
There was a time when rest or painkillers were the only treatment, and occasionally traction would be used to create the negative pressure, but not very effectively since it wasn't really possible to tackle individual vertebrae. Now, however, IDD can target the affected areas, both of the disc and of the facet joints. Simultaneous with this action, IDD also massages and relaxes the muscles in the surrounding areas to prevent them from spasming, which is a general problem with this type of condition and it can also release any spasmed muscles and re-educate them. The equipment that exerts the slight pull on the vertebrae to create the vacuum within the disc, and that also carries out the muscle massage, is controlled by computer and can be set for the needs of each individual.
Length of Treatment Due to the nature of the treatment it is necessary to carry it out over several sessions, about 1-3 days apart. This is because the discs regain their shock-absorbing properties over a period of time, and a cure is effected by small amounts of treatment regularly rather than one singe long period. Just as with wounds, healing takes time, and a treatment schedule involving 20-30 visits averaging 40 minutes each over 4-6 weeks is normal. Some people report a significant reduction in pain levels after just three treatment visits, while after 4 weeks treatment the extent of herniation has been measured at only 50% of the original when treatment began. There are no doubts that in Atlanta IDD Therapy offers you most hope of getting more than just temporary relief from a number of conditions causing severe neck and lower back pain.