Important Liposuction Safety Points
This article is about liposuction and staying safe. It explains the procedure and gives some advice about what to do to be safer before, during and after the procedure.
Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure in which a person is relieved of a certain amount of fat from the body. Small incisions are made on the agreed areas and through these a rod-like tube is inserted. This tube functions as a sort of vacuum that will suck out the fat,

which has been previously liquefied. Recently, innovative measures have been taken to make the procedure less invasive than it originally was. In spite of this, many patients, both men and women still undergo the traditional form of liposuction. The reasons for this include, but are not limited to, the cost of the more innovative procedure and the unknown factor that any recent development usually brings. Many people do not easily believe in innovations, which are just recent and prefer to rely on the more tried and tested methods.
Before the procedure, doctors usually warn their patients to stop smoking (at least several weeks before) and to stop drinking alcohol excessively. Both vices can bring about complications that doctors do not like during the surgery as well as afterwards. The doctors also recommend a thorough blood testing or screening in order to assess the true physical state of the patient. This will indicate if there are underlying problems in the heart, the blood and other conditions. Other liposuction safety points to take note of before the operation is to get as much rest as reasonably possible. This will lower the stress factor and make the patient more at ease.
During the operation, all is basically in the hands of the surgeon. It is important that the surgeon be aware of the limited amount of fat that should be taken out of the body in each session or day. Patients should ask about this to foster better understanding between them and the surgeon. Liposuction should also be limited with regards to the areas of the body that it will be done. The body can only take so much surgery at one time and there should be a rest period so it can recuperate. Another safety point is to bring up any allergies that the patient may have which the doctor may have overlooked or not known. During the procedure, it is possible that the patient may have adverse reactions to the drugs pumped into the body.
After the liposuction operation, the doctor should prescribe a number of medications that will help in preventing infections and minimizing the expected swelling, bruising and soreness that accompany any operation. Patients should make it a point to follow the prescription in terms of dosage and the duration that these are taken. It also helps to know certain techniques that can minimize the swelling, bruising and soreness without the need for pain relievers. Antibacterial medication should be taken as prescribed since this will prevent the development of an infection. Any abnormalities and strange feelings should be brought to the attention of the surgeon. The surgeon may also recommend compresses to alleviate swelling and bruising as well as other ways to help ease the discomfort.