Is There a Big Difference Between Medical Exam and No Medical Exam Life Coverage?

Mar 6


Rosa Herrera

Rosa Herrera

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This is the question that is on a lot of people’s minds. The fact is that the two policies are very close together in terms of what they offer. Here we take a look at the two and compare them against each other.


If you are currently undecided on which type of life insurance policy to go for here is a quick comparison to show you some of the pros and cons of each.

Standard Life Insurance Coverage

·        To get the policy you will need a full medical check-up and answer a background check way you will have to state your families full medical history.

·        It can take quite a while to get as there is a lot of paperwork fill out perform get your coverage.

·        Pay outs are usually around $250,000 or upwards.

·        If you have an underlying medical condition,Is There a Big Difference Between Medical Exam and No Medical Exam Life Coverage? Articles are a senior citizen, or have a family history of a certain type of disease you will find it extremely hard to get a normal life insurance policy.

No medical exam life insurance coverage

·        No medical exam needed and the paperwork is quite short and easy to fill out.

·        There are no restrictions on gender, age, or medical background. Everyone who applies for a no medical exam life insurance policy typically gets accepted.

·        Pay outs are up to $250,000 depending on the company you go to and the type of policy you have.

·        From the minute you take out the coverage you will be protected in the event of you dying prematurely.

·        The premiums can be slightly higher than a normal life insurance policy.

These are the two policies compared and as you can see there is not that much difference in them. This means that no medical exam life insurance makes sense whether you have an underlying medical condition or are young and perfectly healthy. This is the reason why so many people are taking up this kind of coverage and it actually saves the insurance company money because they do not have to pay for expensive medical exams.