Liposuction – Swelling Reduction
This article discusses a few tips to help recovering liposuction patients through the healing process by minimizing excess swelling. Read on for more information.
Swelling is a natural result during liposuction recovery. And while patients should initially expect a fair amount,
there are a few steps to help diminish the discomfort and encourage a safe and quick recovery. In this article we will outline a few tricks to help get you off the couch and back in the game.
Step 1: Compression garments will become your new best friend. These are tight-fitting pieces of cloth placed around the recovery area and act to hold fresh wounds in their place while playing a huge role in the swell reduction of the surrounding areas. Not only will these garments help to minimize your discomfort levels overall, but they will work to heal your skin in a more even fashion.
Step 2: Your physician will likely prescribe pain medication for you to help minimize discomfort throughout the recovery process. Most of these medications will likely contain an anti-inflammatory, which will work to reduce any swelling. Speak with your physician to find out whether you can also take headache medicines. In most cases, this won’t be an issue.
Step 3: Consider the possibility of massage therapy. Some therapists specialize in lymphatic drainage techniques and can help to reduce swelling. Ask your physician whether they think this would be beneficial to your recovery. If you get the go-ahead, book yourself two to three sessions a week for the first couple weeks of recovery, heading back once a week until you are completely healed.
Step 4: Follow any instructions provided by your doctor. Among them, you will likely notice a list of “don’ts”. This list should include the avoidance of ice or heating products to the healing areas. Try to keep your wound away from water, staying far away from the bath or pool. Additionally, you should take care to clean your wounds regularly with hydrogen peroxide.
Step 5: Kick your fast food habit and start eating healthy. Stock up on lots of fruits and veggies and stay hydrated throughout the healing process. Recovery can take a lot out of your body, and by making the effort to eat right and stay hydrated, you will start to notice a huge difference in the way your body heals itself. Three healthy meals per day is ideal, making sure to avoid any processed foods.
Step 6: Stay put. The last thing you need to do is exert your body any more than you have to. Before your surgery, make yourself a nice spot on the couch with a stack of movies and as many pillows as the allotted space can afford. You’ll likely be stuck there, or close by for a few days, and will want to be sure you have everything you need in the immediate vicinity. Make the most of your little vacation and enjoy… allowing your body to catch up and recover properly. Make arrangements with work, and see if you can have a close friend or family member check in on you from time to time.