A lot of people of various ages are facing knee problems in this increasingly active world. One of the most common reasons being the issue of Osteoarthritis. But people can ease their problem of osteoarthritis by maintaining a proper diet and some routine exercises.
In the last part (Part 1), of this article we have learned about some of the different foods that people can eat to help ease knee Osteoarthritis problems, here in this part we will learn about some food habits and products that you can avoid to help ease your knee ailment.
There are few foods that help limit with knee osteoarthritis and its pain.
Some foods can intensify the knee pain and other symptoms related to this ailment. So it is actually a good idea to limit these foods, regardless of whether you have knee osteoarthritis or not. These types of food details are given below:
The different processed foods- Most frozen foods like frozen dinner and lunch contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) which may eventually lead to inflammation if highly consumed. Nitrates can be found in hot dogs which also leads to the same problem. So it’s always good to avoid much intake of processed food.
Aspartame- This is a type of man-made sweetener that contains certain chemicals which may increase pain perception. This happens due to the triggering of neurons in the brain. This product is used in almost all types of sweet foods, like soft drinks, ice creams and even yogurt.
Saturated and Trans fats- All the packaged baked goods and fast foods promote inflammation, clogging the arteries. This worsens the knee pain issues in people suffering from osteoarthritis. So avoiding all saturated and Trans fat foods is the best thing to do for easing swelling and pain.
Another important aspect to note is the intake of Supplements for Knee Osteoarthritis.
This is actually a big question among people suffering from this problem that whether to take supplements for knee osteoarthritis or not.
It is quite natural that the best way to get all of your vital nutrients is from what you eat and so if your diet is lacking in any way, you may need to take a supplement.
There are some supplements that can be suggested to you for adding them to your diet for proper nutrition level boost. But before you do so talk it over with your doctor or RD. Because any form of vitamins or minerals may have adverse effects to your health depending on your medical history. Your doctor will also let you know how much you need to take and whether it will interact with medications or other supplements you are already taking.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are the food supplements which in addition to omega-3 and vitamin D supplements that are worthwhile to add to your osteoarthritis diet. Glucosamine and chondroitin when taken together may help to relieve osteoarthritis symptoms, including knee pain, swelling, and stiffness.
So above all, try eating healthy foods and maintaining a healthy weight with a well-balanced diet and keep your knee pain at bay.
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