Managing Your Stress With Hypnosis Techniques
There are many things in today's society that are not good for us, stress is one of them and is also one of the biggest killers, it manifests itself i...
There are many things in today's society that are not good for us,
stress is one of them and is also one of the biggest killers, it manifests itself in our bodies in many different ways.
There is positive and negative stress, and it is negative stress that is usually the one we want to avoid.
So how do we know when we are stressed?
Here is a list of some of the top things that cause stress today, see if you recognize any of them in your life:
You work long hours
There is competition at work
You spend a lot of time in traffic
You drink every day
Overcrowded cities and noisy neighbors
You have too much responsibility
Your house has negative equity
You owe a lot of money
And so the list goes on.
As I mentioned earlier, this stress manifests itself in may different ways, see how many of these you have:
Lack of sleep or insomnia
High blood pressure
Indigestion problems
Alcohol and drug problems
Memory problems
There are of course many more, and some of these can be caused by other illnesses, but they are also very much associated with stress.
There are many things you can do, and of course there is always some new drug out there to make it go away, but increasingly more and more people are turning to alternative medicine and things like hypnosis and self-hypnosis to help relieve their stress.
I have used hypnosis myself to relive stress, and I can honestly say it has definitely helped me become more relaxed. I still spend many hours in traffic and lack sleep, but since I started with hypnosis I more readily accept it now and feel a lot better within myself, and I am also a much nicer person to be around.