Otoplasty - The Ear Job
Many people struggle with ears that obtrude more than average. It can be very difficult as a child and an adult for different reasons. Otoplasty is a type of plastic surgery for ears that can be done on children and adults.
Whether you are five,

sixteen, or thirty, having ears that stick out can be embarrassing and annoying. For the five year old, there is the intense teasing that can often take place, and really ruin a child’s days in school. For the sixteen year old, the joking is still there, but on a more “mature” level. It starts to reach the annoying mark at this age when girls are trying to have cute hairstyles, but find that their ears will not allow it. By thirty, perhaps you are accustomed to the discomfort, but maybe you are at the point where you can afford to make the change on your own. Whatever the age, an otoplasty, or ear job, may be a good choice for you or your child.
Some of you may be parents who have children with protruding ears. You know the struggles they go through being teased about it, and perhaps you went through the same problem. Try to remember how hard it was for you, and think about doing something to help your child not have to go through that same discomfort. If you do plan to have an otoplasty done for your child, do it from about five years and up.
If you decide to get an otoplasty for yourself or child, then the entire recovery process will take about six weeks, and it really is not a very painful recovery, which makes it especially nice for children. The main issue after surgery is simply swelling and reddening of the ears. The bandages will be taken off after four days. Following that appointment, the only visible sign of surgery will be a headband for two weeks all the time and then for two more weeks while asleep. Exercise programs will need to be limited to light for two weeks after the surgery. After six weeks of recovery your normal exercise can be started again. Most patients will be able to go back to normal activities excluding exercise between seven and ten days.
Adults will have the choice of general or local anesthesia for the surgery. For children, most likely they will automatically have general so that they will not be awake for it. The procedure itself is fairly short being only around two hours for two ears.
Because of the brevity of both the surgery and the recovery, it is fairly simple plastic surgery to experience. You may run into trouble if you want the insurance to cover the surgery. This is the case for those doing it for their appearance only.
If you are considering an otoplasty for yourself you know the benefits you will gain of more freedom with your hairstyles and more confidence in your appearance. If you are considering this surgery for your child, some of the same things apply, the largest being their confidence. Children tease each other anyway, but when there is really something to tease about, it makes it all the more difficult. If you are able, consider giving your child the opportunity to change this issue at a young age.