Plastic Surgery – Knowing the Poor Reasons so You Can Make the Right Decision
When you’re making the decision about plastic surgery it’s not something to be done lightly. You need to not only do your research about your procedure but about your reasons. Why are you having the procedure is the most important thing you should know.
There are many reasons to have a plastic surgery procedure performed. Your reasons can include anything from poor sense of self to something far more drastic such as a medical condition. Whatever the reasons,

the important thing to remember is that you need to do it for yourself. Among the reasons to have these types of procedures there are so many poor reasons. Before scheduling your first appointment with a surgeon you really need to sit back and decide whether your reasons are good reasons or reasons you need to rethink.
Poor plastic surgery reason number one: my significant other wants me too. If you are okay with how you look then why does it matter what your “better half” thinks. Sure you want them to be happy but changing the way you look is not the answer to the problem. If they are suggesting that you have some sort of change it could be they are insecure with themselves or they are trying to make you into what they believe the ideal significant other is. The point is, you should never allow someone to control and manipulate you to the point you are changing your body just to please them.
Poor plastic surgery reason number two: you want to look like a celebrity. These types of procedures are generally used to enhance your existing features not transform you into someone you’re not. It’s not a magic bullet to fame, fortune and happiness. Sure people like Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp are hot but there is no way that even the best surgeon in the world can accommodate you. Rather than ending up with a ton of bills and a body and face that you don’t recognize, spend the time and money on things you do enjoy, you’ll be happier in the long run.
Poor plastic surgery reason number three: you’re depressed and looking for happiness. No big decision such as this should be made when you’re depressed. Having size double DD breasts is not going to make you happy. In the long run, they may actually hurt you more than help you. The point is, if you feel like you’ll never be happy again; see a psychologist not a cosmetic surgeon. You can get the help you need to be happier and healthier in the long run. Once you’re no longer depressed then you can make a decision about whether or not you want to recreate you.
The point is there are some very good reasons for you to have plastic surgery. If you don’t like the way you look and want to do something about it, for you then it’s not a bad decision at all. If you are for any reason unsure about the decision you are making you might want to wait a little bit. When you speak to your physician be open and honest about your reasons. He can help you to determine if you are doing this for all the right or all the wrong reasons.