Q & A's About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Do you have questions about breast augmentation surgery? Here are some answers.
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in America. Not only that,

it has an extremely high satisfaction rating with patients post-op. This operation is perfect for women who feel that their figure is out of proportion due to small breasts or those that have lost fullness due to aging, pregnancy or breastfeeding. The medical devices that are inserted are called implants and they can change the shape, size and contour of the chest region. Not only are these devices used in augmentations, they're also used to reconstruct natural looking mounds in mastectomy patients. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers about the procedure.
How do I decide which size implant to select?
Choosing the proper size is an important consideration when selecting implants. It's helpful to look at multiple "before and after" photos in order to find a patient with similar bone structure, weight and pre-surgery breasts. This visual illustration will give a better idea of what your end result may look like.
Another helpful tactic is to borrow a few different sizes of "loaners" from your cosmetic surgeon. Wearing various sizes in a bra out in public or in clothing will let you know what it feels like to have breasts that size. If they're too small, you will find that the implants seem barely noticeable. If they're too large, you'll discover that you look chunky and top heavy. Asking the cosmetic surgeon for his or her opinion is also quite helpful as your doctor has much experience to draw from.
I'm only 16 years old. Is it okay for me to have the surgery now?
Not yet. Many 16 year olds get nose jobs as birthday gifts when they turn sweet 16 and that's fine because noses are full grown by that time. Breasts, however, take a bit longer to mature. FDA recommendations state that women should wait till they're eighteen to get saline implants and until the age of twenty-one to get those filled with silicone. This will assure that they're fully developed before the implantation process. Many young women will want to wait until after their childbearing years because this operation could hamper breastfeeding ability, although cases vary.
What's the difference between saline and silicone?
There are pros and cons to both types. Silicone is said to feel more natural, and it is approved by the FDA. Some women feel more comfortable with saline solution because it is basically salt water and of a similar chemical makeup to what's already manufactured in a human body. Saline implants, however, tend to have a firmer and less natural consistency. Another positive feature of saline is that the device can be inserted into a tinier incision and filled with fluid while inside the body. Silicone implants will require a larger incision because they are pre-filled before insertion.
Many women have had breast augmentation surgery and are more than happy with the results. If you're interested in having this operation performed, it would be wise to schedule an appointment with a reputable cosmetic surgeon for a consultation.