There’s a reason why everybody, especially health professionals talk about having a balanced meal. A balanced meal provides all the necessary nutritional supplements the body needs to grow, develop and build immunity.
There’s a reason why everybody, especially health professionals talk about having a balanced meal. A balanced meal provides all the necessary nutritional supplements the body needs to grow, develop and build immunity. This kind of a diet where all the nutrients are present in the right quantities becomes particularly important for special groups like young children, individuals with certain conditions and most importantly, for pregnant women.
Balanced and right nutrition for pregnant women is extremely important. The mother is not only feeding herself but also her baby and this is the time, when it’s necessary to consume all the possible vitamins and minerals to protect both the mother and child and help the child grow healthy and strong. Pregnant women need to be extra careful about their diet because a little less of something or a little too much of something too can not only affect the mother but more importantly, the child too. Therefore, the diet that a pregnant woman consumes should have all the necessary nutrients in exactly the right quantities.
When it comes to nutrition for pregnant women, adequate amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are extremely crucial. These can be found in a variety of foods such as pulses, bread, pasta, dairy products and nuts, among other food items. What is important to understand is that if a mother is lacking certain essential nutrients, the child too will be lacking those. Therefore, special care needs to be taken to ensure that the mother gets all the nutrients possible to ensure that her child too gets complete nutrition.
Pregnant women need 2500 kilocalories every day, 400 kilocalories more than what an average woman requires. The diet plan should always be drawn out by consulting the doctor, after necessary medical checkups and to ensure a completely balanced diet is being consumed. There are also other essential vitamins and minerals that pregnant women need. These are:
Folic acid should be consumed as this is essential for the growth of the baby’s nervous system. Also known as Vitamin B9, this can be found present in green vegetables, fruits, orange juice, peas and rice. A very important mineral that is required by mothers during pregnancy is iron. Since the body is pumping more blood to reach the placenta, iron constitutes an essential mineral as part of the balanced diet. This can be easily found green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, strawberries and whole wheat bread. Iron can also be consumed along with Vitamin C in the form of orange juice. Doctors advise against consuming tea and coffee during pregnancy as this interferes with the iron being absorbed into the blood. Zinc and Calcium are other two minerals that also need to be consumed during pregnancy.
If there’s any vitamin that should be avoided, it’s Vitamin A. It shouldn’t be consumed more than what it already is as it could affect the embryo significantly.
The best nutritional supplements come from a balanced diet. On a regular basis, it is important for the body to receive adequate and the right nutrition, especially where nutrition for pregnant womenis concerned.
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