Rhinoplasty: Decisions That Need To Be Made
If you aren't happy with the way that your nose looks in the mirror, you may be interested in doing a little research to determine whether or not you are a candidate for rhinoplasty. Read on to learn more.
If you aren't happy with the way that your nose looks in the mirror,

you may be interested in doing a little research to determine whether or not you are a candidate for rhinoplasty. However, it isn't just that you can go in with this type of broad request. You need to know just what you want to change, how you want to change it and what you want the results to be. Usually these decisions are made with the help of a plastic surgeon to ensure that you are pleased with the final outcome.
Pinpoint the Problem:
What is it about your nose that you just don't like? A rhinoplasty can fix several different problems with this specific facial feature. Most of the problems come from the overall size, the shape or even an unsightly curve or bend that isn't attractive. So start out by taking a good long look at yourself in the mirror and figure out just what it is that bothers you the most. If you aren't quite sure exactly what you don't like, ask friends and family members that you trust to give you some feedback.
Make Sure You Can Communicate Your Concerns:
Decide how you want to explain to the plastic surgeon that you want a rhinoplasty. Now that you know just what the problem is, make sure that you can clearly explain what the problem is. You have the ability to show a physician what you don't like an appointment, but you want to be able to clearly say, “I want this bump gone,” or “I want this area straightened out.” This makes sure that both the patient and the physician are clearly on the same page.
Solutions Offered:
After talking with your doctor you will find out whether or not a rhinoplasty is the solution that you have been looking for. He or she will be able to tell you the changes that you can expect and what the procedure will entail. There is a chance that there is more than one way to fix the area that you are concerned with. If this is the case, he may send you home to think about all that you have learned and think about what you think is best for you. Spend some time at home weighing out all of your options and decide what you think is going to be best. Take into consideration the recovery time, cost of the procedure, time the procedure can be scheduled and the overall results that you can hope to achieve.
Final Decision:
Now comes the major decision: do you want to have a rhinoplasty. If so, now is the time to move forward, schedule the surgery and get things moving in the right direction. Remember that there is no rush to deciding right now. Take some time to think over the best decision for you and your body. Figure out what is going to make you happy and how you need to go about making it happen.