Rhinoplasty - Top Reasons Not to Get This Procedure Right Before Your Wedding
Deciding to change the appearance of your nose is a big decision. So when you're ready to go through with rhinoplasty for a big event in your life, such as your wedding, keep a few points in mind.
If you're like so many women that have planned their wedding day since childhood,

then you want everything to be absolutely perfect. This means, you need the perfect guy, the perfect dress, perfect location and most importantly, the perfect look. While you may work out and diet to get your body in shape, there's nothing you can do about your nose unless you decide to get rhinoplasty.
So many celebrities get this operation done every day, so it may not see like a big deal. However, this is serious surgery and you may want to take a few moments to consider the reality of this procedure and understand what you should expect.
One of the first things to consider after you get rhinoplastly is the pain you may be in. Many patients notice they have a headache after this procedure. So if your wedding day is looming, you don't want to have to be worried about taking a bunch of pain medication throughout your big day. Instead, you should get the procedure at least a few weeks in advance to help ensure you don't have a bunch of pain to deal with during your wedding.
Yet, if pain is not a big deal and you feel you can get rhinoplasty close to your wedding day, you may want to think about the swelling. After having this surgery, your face will be swollen and puffy, particularly around the eyes. This will not make for great pictures and the whole point is to look back on your nuptials and remember them with joy; not with a puffy face. A skilled doctor will prepare you for such issues and advise you to use cold compresses to ease the swelling. After a few weeks, your looks will improve, but you still may not be picture perfect.
Another factor to keep in mind is the bruising that shows up after rhinoplasty. When a doctor surgically changes your look, he or she may have to do lots of prodding and poking. As a result, you'll be a bit black and blue for a while. You'll look worse than you actually feel. Of course, this is still not a good look for your wedding day and another common reason to get this procedure at least a few months in advance.
Furthermore, nose bleeds are fairly common, but should also subside after a few days. Also, if at all possible, the doctor will advise you to refrain from blowing your nose since it will be packed with bandages and stitches for a while. If nothing else encourages you to get rhinoplasty many months before your wedding, the possibility of bleeding on your wedding dress should.