Self-Help Guide to Alcohol Detoxification

Nov 29


Peter Guilorry

Peter Guilorry

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Self detox at home can be dangerous and should never be tried without consulting your doctor. An occasional drinker and mild alcoholic can aim to detox at home, but a chronic alcoholic should not try detoxification at home. It could have serious ramifications which might be life threatening.


If you are looking to detox yourself or a loved one,Self-Help Guide to Alcohol Detoxification Articles there are several centers in the country which help such patients. The detox centers in Florida are known to be among the best in the country. There are also many rapid detox centers in California that help people in detoxification.

So, only if you are a mild alcoholic should you try detoxification at home. A word of caution would be – if you are heavily dependent on alcohol, always seek a doctor’s advice. Here, we take a look at some of the ways to stop drinking and remain sober all by yourself:

Resolution against drinking

Unless you make a commitment to yourself that you will quit drinking, come what may, it will be very difficult to embark on a path to detox. Progress in detoxification is very slow and the urge to reach out for your glass will be enormous.

So, think about all the benefits of quitting alcohol. Make a list of all those benefits, write them and pin it at a place which is easily viewable. For example, you can evaluate the cost factor of drinking and not drinking. It will motivate you to go the detox way when you see the financial benefits of quitting alcohol. Once you are committed to stop drinking, half the battle is already won.

Set realistic goals and be ready for changes

After you have decided to go sober and quit drinking, set small and short term goals which are achievable. Take one step at a time and monitor the progress diligently. Begin by curtailing your drinking sessions by one or two glasses with every passing day and start recording the feelings and symptoms you experience. If you think it is normal, gradually proceed to the next step.

However, if you feel that the symptoms of withdrawal are a bit difficult to handle, then consult a doctor and stop initiating the detox yourself. If you experience any of the symptoms like sweating, nausea or vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea, anxiety and restlessness, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, trouble sleeping or concentrating in excess then it is time you seek medical assistance immediately.

Find a hobby and purpose in life

Pursuing a hobby will help you in more ways than one in your detoxification process. Finding a new meaning in life will steer your boat to new directions and provide you with a purpose to live life in a more meaningful way. In order to go sober you need to make some lifestyle changes also. Some of the steps are as below:

Build a support network: Being surrounded by positive and cheerful people will keep you in good spirit and your mood would be elevated. It is a great influence when you are on the recovery road.

Take care of yourself: in order to cope with mild withdrawal symptoms, you need to eat and sleep right. Do some moderate but regular exercises so that you remain fit, both physically and mentally.

Manage cravings the right way

If you experience cravings for alcohol do the following until it goes away:

  1. Talk to a person who is supportive and encourages you to go sober.
  2. Distract yourself and get involved in something interesting till the cravings go.
  3. Look at the urge from a detached point of view and be observant instead of fighting it.

Take these few simple steps and go sober. You will really enjoy your sobriety once you come out of alcoholism.
