Skin Sparing Mastectomy -- Offering a More Realistic and Pleasing Result
A procedure known as a skin-sparing mastectomy is a way to treat breast cancer while still saving the breast skin.
A surgeon removes the skin of the areola,

nipple, and the biopsy scar during a skin-sparing mastectomy. The surgeon then makes a small opening in order to remove the cancerous breast tissue. The surgeon takes the remaining skin and creates the best form and shape to accommodate breast reconstruction or an implant using your own tissue. This type of mastectomy is often preferred by women who desire pleasing and realistic through their immediate breast reconstruction. This procedure will offer you less scarring than a traditional mastectomy procedure does.
The skin-sparing technique offers the female patient the best option for reconstruction and significantly improves the patient's cosmetic outcome. This technique is used in order to reserve as much of the patient's breast skin as possible. This procedure can be performed as a modified mastectomy to provide the skin required for immediate breast reconstruction or as a total or simple mastectomy.
During your consultation and additional examinations, you can find out if you are a good candidate for a skin-sparing mastectomy. Even though most women are eligible for this procedure, there are a few exceptions. This procedure is not usually done on women who have not chosen to have immediate breast reconstruction. This type of mastectomy is also not chosen for women that have a possibility of tumor cells that are close the skin. If there is any possibility that you have a tumor that involves the skin in a case like inflammatory breast cancer, then this procedure will not be an option.
The first part of the skin sparing mastectomy procedure will consist of your surgeon removing the areola and nipple from the affected breast. The surgeon will then remove the skin you have from past biopsy scars. During the first phase of surgery, your surgeon with complete your mastectomy and make a small opening in order to remove your breast tissue. The last part of this portion of your surgery, the skin of your breast will be left as an empty pouch that will be filled during breast reconstruction.
The Skin sparing mastectomy is associated with several common types of reconstruction. Before your procedure, you and your surgeon can decide which procedure will be best for you. You can consult with your doctor about additional information concerning this type of procedure or you could visit their website on detailed information that may include photos. You can call and schedule a consultation to find out more information or to learn if you are a good candidate for the procedure.