Sleep Apnea Is Both A Widespread and Sometimes Fatal Sleep Disorder

Nov 10


Donald Saunders

Donald Saunders

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Sleep Apnea is arguably one of the most commonly seen sleeping disorders but few people know precisely how dangerous this sleep disorder can be.


Sleep apnea is possibly the most commonly seen of all sleep disorders and affects in the region of eighteen million people in the US. A sleeping disorder which is characterized by broken breathing during sleep,Sleep Apnea Is Both A Widespread and Sometimes Fatal Sleep Disorder Articles sleep apnea is also undeniably the most dangerous of sleeping disorders because it starves the brain of essential oxygen and sometimes proves fatal.

There are two totally distinct forms of sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea is in essence a neurological disorder where breathing is broken as a result of signals sent out by the brain. Obstructive sleep apnea by contrast is in essence a mechanical problem where the windpipe is blocked either by too much tissue or by the unusual relaxation or collapse of the muscles around the windpipe. In both cases however the results are essentially identical with recurrent interruptions to normal breathing that deprive the brain of oxygen and put sufferers at greater risk from such things as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Unluckily, diagnosing sleep apnea can prove difficult because snoring, which is a common symptom and often leads to sleep apnea being called the snoring disease, is also present as a symptom of a variety of other medical conditions. Snoring is generally present in cases of sleep apnea because the brain counters a drop in oxygen by waking the sufferer enough to restart the breathing process and this often results in snoring.

This recurrent awakening throughout the night also causes a very poor quality of sleep and it is quite common for sleep apnea sufferers to wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when they got into bed. This also leads to feelings of exhaustion during the course of the day and a great wish to sleep.

But, tiredness resulting from poor quality sleep is only one part of the picture and a variety of other symptoms will almost certainly be present including headaches in the morning, poor memory and a difficulty in concentrating.

Left untreated the growing exhaustion resulting from sleep apnea may produce serious psychological problems starting with irritability and progressing to depression with obvious changes in mood and behavior.

Both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea can be treated and, providing the problem is caught early enough, treatment can often be quite easy. For example, minor cases of obstructive sleep apnea caused by nasal congestion can commonly be treated with little more than decongestants. Similarly, a lot of cases of sleep apnea that are not particularly severe may be treated with a mask that is worn during sleep and that provides a constant pressure of air to keep the airway open. Finally, in the most severe cases of sleep apnea surgery might be required and can be very effective, although it can also produce several complications and has to be approached with care.

Probably the most important thing to remember when treating sleep apnea is that as it carries the potentially fatal risk of respiratory failure sufferers should not be tempted to use sleeping pills or to take other forms of artificial sleep enhancers without first seeking the approval of a doctor.

Natural sleep remedies without question provide an effective complement to prescribed medication and herbs that are intended to improve the quality and duration of sleep can be helpful in managing the excessive daytime sleepiness generally brought on by sleep apnea. Also, such things as aromatherapy, chromatherapy and guided relaxation and meditation can help in reducing the anxiety and insomnia that come with sleep apnea.