The Facts and the Myths About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Understand the facts from the myths when it comes to breast augmentation surgery.
If you are considering breast augmentation surgery make sure you understand the realities from the myths that surround almost every cosmetic procedure. For example there are no age restrictions on having this procedure done. Potential candidates for breast enlargement surgery come in every age range from young women to elderly women and everything in between. The only restriction on any surgery,
especially an elective one, is your overall health and ability to withstand surgery and recover fully.
Another myth is that women who undergo breast augmentation surgery will never have saggy breast. Who wouldn’t love this side perk? But, alas, it is not true. The only thing that breast augmentation will do is make your breast larger. If you have sagging breast the only thing that will pick them back up and defy gravity is a breast lift which is a separate surgical procedure. If you need both procedures done however it is perfectly within the norms to do multiple cosmetic procedures at the same time.
Another popular myth floating around is that implants need to be replaced every decade. This myth is based on some fact but it is not entirely true. If your implants develop a leak you will need to have the leaking implant removed and replaced but you may never develop a leak or have a reason to remove the implant. Some women have to replace the implant within a few years due to a problem such as a leak, while other women never encounter any difficulties.
And finally the biggest myth that has been generated regarding breast augmentation surgery is that women who have breast implants cannot breast feed. Like all good myths this one is based partially on some fact but you need the facts to understand it better. First off there is more than one way to insert an implant. Your surgeon can make the incision under your arm pit, under your breast tissue, under your nipple or even through your belly button itself. If you choose to have the implant inserted by having the nipple removed and replaced this will most definitely cut your milk ducts and you won’t be able to breast feed. However if you plan to have children in the future and you plan to breast feed, you can opt for implant placement where your milk ducts won’t be interfered with. Make your surgeon aware of this concern during your initial consultation to ensure your incision options won’t interfere with your future ability to nurse.
What all of the facts and myths boil down to is this. Get your facts about breast augmentation and discuss your concerns with your surgeon, this is the best way to make sure you are happy with your surgical results and that you understand what is a myth and what to really expect from this cosmetic procedure.