Us bodybuilders live a crazy lifestyle. Some call us crazy, narcistic, and even hermits, but I call it dedication. We even do things that we don`t realize we`re doing but when someone mentions it, we get a little humor out of it. I dedicate this article to the forum members for making a thread that gave me a little extra comic relief.
When thinking of food, we think of it in terms of functionality, practicality, and finally taste, not the other way around. We have to leave a party or social even because we have to go eat meal #7. Hell, most of us don`t even remember the fizz of soda, let alone what McDonald`s food tastes like. I`m even starting to appreciate the taste of water, no wonder my parents don`t understand why I won`t sit down and have a family dinner instead of making my own food. When looking at foods, we look at the protein content before anything else. We even know the difference between oatmeal, rolled oats, and steel oats. Your family is at the gym and you know everyone by name. When you hear the word cutting, you think of cardio, not scissors. Do we miss a workout? Yeah right! We`ll skip that important business meeting or hot date so that we can go and train legs. Then there are the guys at the gym who train biceps and chest everyday and then you about kill them after they tell you that creatine is a sterioid. We don`t workout with friends because chances are good that we trained that muscle group the day before. Whenever we see two parallel tables, we start doing dips, just for the fun of it. Pain is our best friend, every morning we wake up hoping to be sore and if not, then we know that we need to train that muscle group harder next week. In school, people give us strange looks because we get up three different times to take a leak. Sorry Mr. Biology Teacher, I`ve learned more about the human body from lifting than anything you`ve ever taught me. We have a whole cabinet or shelf just to hold our supplements because we take more pills than our grandma who has arthritis and high blood pressure. Our pecks are bigger than most of the freshman girls` and when we travel, we have to buy two plane tickets just to be able to fit into the seats. This article may sound funny to some of you but it is what us bodybuilders face on a daily basis. Bodybuilding is a rough lifestyle and is not something everyone can do. My fellow bodybuilders understand where I`m speaking from. We are a breed apart from the rest of the bunch and live in our own little sub-culture where the outsiders can`t hurt us. We will rise!
Diet Program Review: Zone Diet
Many people opt to lose weight by using the Zone diet. This diet is different from diets such as Atkins and South Beach Diet because of the fact that Zone emphasizes a ratio which consists of the three main nutrients (carbs, proteins, fats). Is this diet the one you want to follow or is it just another fad diet that will disappear after another year or so?Managing your Cholesterol
If you are living an unhealthy lifestyle, you are increasing the risk of developing high cholesterol. Having high cholesterol is bad because it increases the risk of you having a heart attack, stroke, or high blood pressure. This article will explain the basics of cholesterol. You will learn what cholesterol is, what causes high cholesterol, and ways to manage it. After reading, you should then be able to take small steps in decreasing the amount of bad cholesterol in your body.Supplement Spotlight: Hydroxycut Hardcore
Ten years of research has gone into the development of Hydroxycut Hardcore. This product has been scientifically proven to decrease bodyfat by 8 percent, and increase norinephrine by 40 percent. Hydroxycut Hardcore was formulated by a leading medical doctor for one simple reason, to burn the most amount of fat, in the shortest amount of time, as safely as possible.