Tummy Tuck – Mommy Makeover
Between work, kids, dinner, after school sports and every other activity your family has going on, isn’t it time to stop, and do something for yourself? A mommy makeover tummy tuck may just be the thing you need to give give back to yourself. If you've been working out, but still not getting the results you want in your abdominals, a tummy tuck can step in and give you that well-toned midsection that you've wanted.
If you’ve thought about getting a tummy tuck ever since having that first child,

now is the time to do it. A mommy makeover will make you feel better and consequently make your family happy because they see you happy and taking care of yourself. Here are the basics on what you need to know to get that mommy makeover tummy tuck.
When thinking of someone who looks like they are in great shape, what comes to mind? A well-toned core. Sometimes you can be in great shape, but your stomach still protrudes or hangs over your jeans. This can be caused from pregnancy which stretches your muscles to a point where they cannot repair themselves. Other times that flat stomach is slightly out of reach because of genetics, age or fluctuations in weight.
A tummy tuck will remove excess fat and skin in the stomach and will restore weakened muscles in the stomach. Visibly, these muscles present themselves as stretch marks. Though surgery won’t remove stretch marks that are above the belly button, it will remove some or all of them below the belly button, giving you a smoother look. The weak muscles may be the cause of your loose stomach, so once this is repaired, a flat stomach will be permanent with exercise.
Abdominal Etching
If you are that person who works out regularly, but still has the flabby midsection, you may want to consider abdominal etching along with your abdominoplasty. If you have good abs under the layers of fat and skin, a doctor can help sculpt the area to bring out those great abs even more. After the surgery, you will finally see the reward to all of your work before surgery.
If you have a little extra skin and fat, possibly from major weight loss, this is a good option to compliment the abdominoplasty. It won’t tighten muscle, but will remove any excess from below the belly button and around your lower back.
When going in to get the procedure, be sure that you are at a stable weight. For a mommy, be sure that you are not still losing weight (except for that extra tummy) or that it is not still fluctuating for the best results. If your body is not steady, then there could be a risk of weight gain, back in the area you just had surgery.