If you have not had a pelvic exam and you are 21 years old or older, you should make an appointment with your doctor. OB GYN professionals help women with this.
If you have not had a pelvic exam and you are 21 years old or older,

you should make an appointment with your doctor. OB GYN professionals help women with these issues. Women should get Pap smears every year, when they are in between the ages of 21 and 29. Women who are in between the ages of 30 and 64 should get Pap smears every other year unless their doctors tell them otherwise.
The greatest reason for the occurrence of cervical cancer is not getting Pap smears periodically. Most women who have cervical cancer haven't had a Pap smear in several years.
Teenagers should see a gynecologist if they are in between the ages of 13 to 15. If they are having sex, they should talk to their doctors about contraceptives and sexually transmitted diseases.
If a woman or teenagers is bleeding in between periods, bleeding after having sex, and if they are experiencing persistent vaginal discharge, they should see a doctor. OB GYN professionals can handle this, among other problems.
You should also visit your physician if you think you are pregnant, if you're planning to have a baby, or if you have a history of sexually transmitted diseases. If you notice a lump or change in your breasts such as dimpling, puckering, or changes to your skin, see a doctor.
An OB GYN will help you if you are experiencing discharge from your nipples, if there is a change in the shape or size of your breasts, or if you are experiencing pain. Women also need to get pelvic exams each year to check for infections and other changes.
The best time to get a Pap smear or pelvic exam is one to two weeks after your menstrual period. You should not have sex before you go in for your appointment and you should not douche for a few days before you go in. Before you visit your OB GYN, you should also empty your bladder. That way, you will feel more comfortable. You may also want to keep a diary of your symptoms and go over it with the doctor. You can use the diary to keep track of your pain, periods, discharges, and other symptoms that you experience during the month. You should also discuss your concerns when you meet with the medical professional and ask questions when you need to.
You should also visit your family doctor periodically. If you are only visiting your gynecologist, he or she may order routine tests that check your cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and the like.
If the results of your Pap smear are abnormal, do not assume that you have cancer. In the majority of cases of abnormal Pap smears, the causes are not cancer. Your results could be abnormal because of inflammation, a yeast infection, the presence of sperm or blood, and sometimes, the presence of a sexual related disease. If your test results are abnormal, your physician may require further testing and he may ask you to come in for another Pap smear after a few months.
If your doctor does the tests in his laboratory, you may be able to find out the results on the same day. The results of other exams may take a few days, so you will have to go get them when they are ready for you. If treatment is needed, your doctor will prescribe medication for you. He may also instruct you to take some kind of birth control if you are having sex.
Do not be afraid to ask questions about the results of your exam, choices of birth control, or treatment. Your doctor is there to assist you and give you the information that you need. Visiting the gynecologist can be uncomfortable for some women, but there is nothing to fear. In order for you to stay healthy, you need to visit your doctor, and take care of your body.