Weight Loss for Body Strength
Being obese for long periods of time is harmful to the body as it wears down the bones and joints that are not meant to carry so much weight around. Over time, the knees, feet and back start to experience a breakdown in the cartilage which supports bone function...
Being obese for long periods of time is harmful to the body as it wears down the bones and joints that are not meant to carry so much weight around. Over time,

the knees, feet and back start to experience a breakdown in the cartilage which supports bone function. This can be painful and cause the overweight person to lose body strength and the ability to be mobile and live a full life. The only real solution to this problem is to get some of the weight off through a sensible diet and exercise plan.
Here are some benefits of losing weight for increased body strength:
Losing weight helps build muscle. When a person starts to lose weight and they combine a diet with a regular exercise routine, they begin to burn off the fat in fat cells and build muscle mass. Muscle burns twice as many calories as fat and so once the fat reserves are smaller, the body switches over to letting the muscles burn calories. In order to see results, a person should include some weight resistance training into part of their exercise routine. Weight bands or small hand weights can be used to pump the muscles and get them working to build strength.
Being overweight means you have a strong muscular system. If you have been overweight for a significant amount of time, under all that fat is a strong skeletal and muscular system which has developed to carry around all that extra weight for so long. That means you are already on your way to building strength by working those muscles in your exercise plan. Having that muscle mass will help you burn the calories faster and you will lose the weight. Once the weight comes down some, you will have a good solid muscle system to work with and get toned up.
Muscle repairs itself quickly. Losing weight and gaining muscle strength means that you will start to feel better faster. Your strength will return because muscle tissue repairs itself very quickly. These muscles will help you as you begin to be more mobile as long as you continue to include some form of strength training into your routine to work those muscles. While the fat disappears, the muscle will remain and the muscles will help you look toned faster and feel stronger. Remember, if you don’t use the muscle you’ll lose that strength and have to work twice as hard to get it back.
With losing weight come stronger muscles and bones. As your physical condition improves, you’ll notice that building and maintaining muscle mass burns more fat calories. You will see great results from getting the weight off and living a healthier lifestyle.