If you are looking for the appropriate remedy for bad breath, first you need to do is get to the root cause of the problem, so you can find the best a...
If you are looking for the appropriate remedy for bad breath,

first you need to do is get to the root cause of the problem, so you can find the best available treatment for it. Halitosis affects as much as 25% of the population and if you know that it can be treated properly you can help yourself.
Among the causes of bad breath are strong foods, smoking and tobacco use, dentures, oral bacteria and even a dry mouth. These factors may be singly or in conjunction responsible for bad breath, which itself may be temporary or chronic. Depending of the reason for the bad breath, you can find a treatment for it.
Bacteria in the Mouth
Oral bacteria are the single most important reason for bad breath. This can be remedied by regularly and routinely taking care of your teeth and mouth by simply brushing, flossing, cleaning your tongue, rinsing thoroughly afterwards. Bacteria particularly love the tongue because they can easily multiply there. That is why it is vital that there is no food debris left in your mouth and that your plaque is removed regularly. If you adopt good oral hygiene practices and follow a daily routine of cleaning your mouth well, you can get rid of bacteria, and consequently one of the causes of bad breath.
Halitosis caused by Food
Some foods, because of their very nature, can cause temporary bad odor in the mouth. Onions and garlic are among the major culprits in food. There are other foods which you can eat to eliminate the bad breath, among them being parsley, fennel seeds, peppermint or even clove or cinnamon. As the odor comes from the digestive tract it will take time to completely dissipate.
Bad Breath Caused by Smoking
Smoking is one of the major causes of bad breath. Smoker’s breath is a common term, specially when it is accompanied by rank bad breath. Tobacco causes gums and teeth to lose their normal health and consequently results in bad breath. Not only for bad breath but also for overall health, you ought to quit smoking.
Dentures Can Result in Halitosis
If you wear dentures and they are not cleaned properly and regularly, they can be a cause of bad breath. Food particles can be easily caught in the gaps, so it is of utmost importance to clean dentures very will and very regularly so that they don’t become a source of oral bacteria.
Bad Breath Linked to a Dry Mouth
If you suffer from a dry mouth, you may well also be suffering from bad breath which may be chronic or temporary. Bacteria cannot leave the mouth if it is too dry. In order to remedy the situation, you will need to drink enough water and other liquids so that you don’t suffer from a dry mouth, and water also helps in removing the bacteria.
A remedy for bad breath is in your hands, but you need to get to the cause of the bad breath and then treat it accordingly. When you find the right solution for your problem, you will feel like a new person.