What are the Diet Plans for Diabetes Patients?

Feb 22


Vanni Jain

Vanni Jain

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Get information in this article about diet plans for diabetes patients.

The abnormally high blood sugar level causes diabetes in people. There are two types of diabetes; one is Type 1 where the insulin is not formed at all. Insulin is the hormone that is produced by the pancreas and helps in absorption of the sugar in the cells. Type 2 Diabetes is caused when the insulin is formed by the body but it is not properly utilized. Diabetes can be kept under control if the diet plans are properly designed. A healthy diet can help a lot in controlling the blood sugar level. Diabetes can cause serious health problems in people.  Along with medicines specific Type 1 Diabetes Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Diet have lots of importance. Here you will get important information about how to prepare diet plans for diabetic people.All diabetic people are advised to take healthy diet but a Type 1 Diabetes Diet is something more than healthy. As the Type 1 diabetic people have to take insulin medicines or injections,What are the Diet Plans for Diabetes Patients? Articles the time and quantity of the food are also important factor. Both for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Diet, the basic thing that has to be kept in mind is that the carbohydrate intake has to be controlled. It is the carbohydrate that gets broken down into glucose and them this simple glucose gets absorbed in the blood which makes the blood sugar level high. For any type of diabetic diet plan, limiting the carbohydrate intake in the body is very important.
  • The items which are made of whole grain like the whole grain bread, cereals, chapattis should be taken
  • Take foods which are rich in fiber as fiber helps in clearing the bowl effectively. Fiber is helpful in delaying the absorption of sugar also. So include fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, bran products in the diet plan.
  • The diabetic diet plan should have lower intake fat so include the lean meats like the poultry, fish in the diet and try to bake, broil, roast or boil them than frying them.
  • Use olive oil or canola oil to prepare your food
  • Take milk products which are made with the fat-free milk and consume yogurt daily
Any type of Type 1 Diabetic Diet or Type 2 Diabetic Diet should be made in consultation with the doctor and the expert dietician and it is important to include exercises in the daily health regimen.