What are the various side effects of hair transplant?
You can read in this article about various side effects of hair transplant.
Being bald is in the fashion but not all of us like to have bald head. Hair transplant is quite common now days. Those who are going for the hair transplantation are basically thinking of having thick and shiny hair around their faces which will change their look and will change their presentation entirely. For most of the people hair transplant is a successful process but for some hair transplant side effects are horrible experiences. Most of the people do suffer from the side effects of hair transplant but your must keep in mind that there is no gain without any pain. After the hair transplantation is done,
the person is advised to take rest for some time to let the scalp heal.
Some of the hair transplant side effects are-
1. The next two weeks after the hair transplant the new hairs fall out and it is quite normal. This falling out of hairs after implantation is called “Shock loss”. Sometimes the hairs which are around the transplanted area also fall out. These hairs grow back within some days and it is a temporary side effect.
2. There might to swelling up of scalp or the forehead as medicines is used for anesthesia while doing the hair implantation. This is also a temporary side effect and will go within next few days. In case you are feeling any kind of discomfort or pain it is advisable to consult your doctor for getting medicines.
3. The area of the scalp where the implantation has been done could be itchy for some days after the hair implantation. It happens because the wounds are healing and scabs are formed. The itching happens due to the scabs. Do not scratch these scabs and they will go off automatically.
The temporary hair transplant side effects are quite common and will disappear after few days or weeks. There could be another side effect which is not very common but is painful. Sometimes there are chances of infection where the hair transplantation has been done. Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctors could take care of this. Before you go for the hair transplantation it is important that all possible side effects and their remedies are discussed with the doctor. One can always talk to those who have undergone the hair transplantation earlier so that you could be prepared mentally before your hair transplantation process.