There are two really unhealthy vices, tobacco and alcohol which cause numerous health problems, not the least of which is bad breath. Smoking or over-...
There are two really unhealthy vices,
tobacco and alcohol which cause numerous health problems, not the least of which is bad breath. Smoking or over-consumption of alcohol can cause lung cancer, liver diseases, diabetes, gum disease or oral cancer. Both also lead to bad breath. If you smoke or drink or do both you should ideally stop as soon as you can.
If you are at all concerned about your health and also don’t want to have stinky breath you must stop smoking and taking alcohol. If you are addicted to either or both, please seek help so that you can quit and regain your health.
There are a number of things you can do to quit smoking. Some people find that nicotine patches or nicotine gum helps stop smoking because it reduces the craving for nicotine. You may get these products either over the counter or via a medical prescription. It is always a good idea to take a doctor’s help and guidance for this.
You can see advertisements for gradual quit smoking programs and you can join one of those. Or there are many support groups and counselors who help people who genuinely want to quit smoking.
There is a great deal of free motivational material that is available via the Internet and that will bolster your will power to quit smoking. You can also find out what are the personal triggers you have which make you smoke and once you have identified them, it will make quitting easier.
If your problem lies with alcohol, then you can join a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). If that does not appeal to you there are many other groups out there to help you quit drinking. If you do join a support group or take individual therapy, you will find that it helps you in all areas of your life as well, apart from ridding you of alcohol dependency.
There is no doubt that alcohol dependency has a negative impact on all areas of your life, your relationships, your work and your health, and it is better to get away from it.
You can get motivated to give up drinking by reading articles and books. Articles are extremely informative and you get them on the net as well, free of cost. A great deal of material is available either on the internet or even in public libraries.
Do not give up even if you find it troublesome to quit smoking or drinking. These are not just ordinary habits but can be as bad as addictions. You need help of people around you to do so, so don’t feel shy to ask for help and support. You must have the right motivation and really want to rid yourself of these bad habits. You will find that everybody will support you in your endeavors. Don’t forget you will also be giving bad breath the go by with your decision.
By chance, if you don’t know where to seek treatment for smoking and drinking, check on the net. You will probably be able to find some good center near where you live. If you care enough about yourself, you should give up these bad habits. You will also find help and support on the Internet itself through support groups, chat forums, discussion, blogs and more. Remember this is not about bad breath alone.
To distract your mind from tobacco and alcohol, you should find some activities which take up some of your extra time. You can join some sports team, learn a musical instrument, and take up a hobby. You don’t have to be stuck going to a smoky bar or meeting people who love drinks. Even the people you meet through you support groups will help you and perhaps become lifelong friends.