What is Meratol and How Effective is it?
A more challenging part of losing weight is controlling one’s food intake.
Losing weight is an uphill battle and many experts and scientists say that in order to lose weight,

one must modify diet, perform exercise at least thrice a week and avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits. Performing exercise is not that difficult—if you have a treadmill at home, you can lose a significant amount of calorie; otherwise you can enroll in a local gym to make use of equipment for weight loss.Cutting down one’s carbohydrates and fat intake is difficult, most especially because these foods are the most delectable. However, you need not delve into changing your diet into something you really aren’t used to live with. This is where diet and weight loss supplements takes its place. One of the best pulls to do this job is Meratol.
What Is Meratol?
Meratol is a weight loss supplement which targets all four important facets of diet and weight management, namely food craving, foods high in carbs, food portion sizes, and slow metabolism.
Meratol is effective in satisfying one’s food cravings in between meals. One of its ingredients, cactus extract, is effective in normalizing blood sugar levels in order to satisfy the hunger center of the brain. This way, the brain does stimulate the body to take in more foods.
Meratol also cuts down carbohydrate intake by as much as 82%. Brown seaweed extract is responsible for the fat binding property of this drug. Once the brown seaweed extract binds with fat, the fat particles are eliminated thereby lessening the chances of these fats to be absorbed by the body.
The capsicum extract in Meratol is also responsible for providing the body a thermogenic boost necessary to burn the calories before and after exercise. The capsicum extract is said to boost the calorie burning ability by 12 times.
The prickly pear cactus is also an important element that deals with accumulated fats. This allows the drug to melt down the fats that have already been built up.
How Effective is Meratol?
Meratol users said that one can lose about 3 to 5 pounds each week. Apart from being an effective weight loss supplement, it is also a safe drug. Being made of all natural ingredients, like capsicum extract, prickly pear cactus, brown seaweed extract and the like, Meratol does not give rise to any harmful and adverse side effect.
Still, Meratol is best used in conjunction with daily exercise and modifying one’s diet, as there is no easy way to lose weight and get that perfect beach body!