In an age of alternate therapies and reinventing the old to keep up with the ever-changing new, Yoga is the front cover of it. Yoga has the abil...
In an age of alternate therapies and reinventing the old to keep up with the ever-changing new,

Yoga is the front cover of it. Yoga has the ability to cure back ache, depression, and even thyroid problems. The thyroid is a gland that produces the T3 and T4 hormones which help in the metabolism of the body. This thyroid gland may at times over-produce or under-produce these hormones, and thus creating hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
Thyroid problems can be remedied through yoga and according to Delhi-based Yoga practitioner, Shri Anant, “Yoga can cure most diseases, if performed in the right way and also if one is guided by the right guru”. He, however, mentions that each individual has a separate and unique need, and with the help of a trained yoga instructor you can develop a yoga regimen to suit your individual need, and here are some common easy exercises that everyone can try.
Anuloma-viloma or the alternate nostril breathing exercise:
1. Inhale slowly at the count of two through the left nostril all the while closing the right with the thumb of your right hand, retain the breath to the count of eight, and exhale through the right nostril while closing the left with the ring and little fingers of your right hand, to the count of four.
2. Repeat this, and this time inhaling through your right nostril and closing your left.
3. Repeat the entire process.
The sarvangasana Exercise
1. At first, lie on your back with your palms facing down close to the body.
2. Then you need to keep your heels and toes together, thus making the body straight.
3. Inhale slowly and deeply as you raise your both legs at the same time until they are perpendicular to the floor.
4. Exhale slowly as you raise your waist and push your legs backward over your head.
5. By supporting your waist holding them with both hands use your hands to get your legs, waist and back in one straight line and then stretch your toes straight up slowly.
6. You will need to stay in this position to the count of 10 and breathe deeply through your abdomen.
7. In the end, slowly lower your legs towards your head and maintain the balance of your body. Then remove your hands from your waist, inhale and bring your waist to the ground keeping legs upright. Exhale and slowly bring your legs back down back to the position from which you had started.