Finding The Best Digital Camera For You
Every month, a different manufacturers comes up with the new "latest must have digital camera" this must have piece of digital photographic wizardry specifically designed to wrestle us from our cash. If we listened to the manufactures hype, we would need to buy a new camera every month to keep up with the latest digital camera trends and features.
What we should be asking is what is it that you need in a camera to partner with your skill as a photographer for the long game. There is a point where the technology that you hold in your hand is not going to improve your photography. Therefore,

what goes into the definition of the best digital camera?MEGA-PIXELS. At the top of the list has to be mega pixel, the more mega pixels you have the better the image is going to be. With the average mega pixels rising with the top Digital SLR camera having 39 mega pixels which is an enormous amount of mega pixels I would say for Mr average Joe hobbyist photographer 8 9 mega pixel is more then enough and if you are more serious then look at the 12 mega pixel plus models LCD SIZE. A large LCD screen is a must, Being able to frame your subject correctly and being able to instantly review any shots taken is a god send and will save you time when it comes to downloading and printing the digital images. ZOOM. Most digital cameras come with both digital and optical zoom. Optical zoom always beats digital zoom. Digital cameras normally have an optical zoom of between 3x to 10x. The better the optical zoom, the better the camera MEMORY CARD. There are different types of memory card like the xD, SD, Flash card and the likes. In addition, these types of memory cards go with certain types of digital cameras. Of course, memory storage is also part of choosing the best digital cameras. Bigger memory is always better with the cost of memory cards coming down go on splash out I would not bother with anything smaller then a 256 MB cardThe point is to find the best digital camera for you and the way you are going to use it its a horses for courses scenario, you dont want the latest digital SLR for taking snaps of the dog and kids. if you are serious about being a professional photographer your not going to get very far with a point and click. Step away from the hype and do not let the marketing guys do your thinking for you. You need to be pragmatic and think what do you need from the camera by taking this approach you could save yourself loads of cash and get yourself a digital camera that fits you like a glove.The best digital camera is the one that you will use. Not the type that you'll use for a few weeks and then leave in its box for ever more because you bought the hype without thinking what you actually need.