Common Problems Of Natural Gas Heating
You can easily fix some natural gas heater problems yourself, such as a pilot light that’s blown out. Your gas heater should normally run quietly, without bangs, knocks, whines, and squeaks.
One of the most common ways people heat their home is by natural gas,

because it’s efficient, readily available, and costs less than most types of heating. However, experts in heater repair in San Marcos say there are a few problems that can arise in a natural gas heater. Some of these problems may result in a heater that runs less efficiently, eventually breaking down if the problems aren’t fixed. But some problems can be dangerous and need to be taken care of as soon as possible.
You can easily fix some natural gas heater problems yourself, such as a pilot light that’s blown out. This is one of the most common problems that occur in a gas heater, usually by a fan or draft that blows the light out, or by lint and dust buildup. In these cases, a simple cleaning and relighting will take care of the problem. But sometimes a pilot light being out can signal something more serious, like clogging or a pilot thermocouple that needs to be replaced. Depending on your handiness, you may be able to fix something like this yourself; in any case that you have doubts, you should call a specialist in heater repair in San Marcos to do the repairs.
If your gas heater’s blower runs all the time or it experiences frequent turning off and on, this may be caused by a faulty fan or a dirty filter. Dry blower motor ports, improper belt tension or a worn-out belt, and an improperly set or faulty thermostat can also contribute to your heater turning on and off too often, or running continuously when it shouldn’t.
Your gas heater should normally run quietly, without bangs, knocks, whines, and squeaks. A noisy heater can be a signal of a dirty heater or problems with the machinery that should be checked by a technician experienced in heater repair in San Marcos. Other common gas heater problems include the electronic ignition not working, closed valves, or a blown fuse.
All of the above problems are reasons you should have your gas heater maintained and checked once each year by an expert in heater repair in San Marcos. Usually these problems are easily fixed if caught early. It’s important not to ignore your heater if it isn’t running as it should. An improperly functioning gas heater can cause dangerous risks, such as poisoning associated with carbon monoxide and natural gas, to fires or explosions caused by a serious leak.