Craft show tips for selling at craft shows. Find out how to make the most of your craft fair booth and get the sales you want.
Helpful craft show tips. Have an added advantage when selling at craft shows. Make good use of these practical craft show ideas.
How to choose a craft fair
Know what to look for in a craft show and make sure it is the right opportunity for selling your crafts. Consider these criteria when deciding on renting a booth at a craft show. What are the entry fees? Is there a straight fee for the booth or does the promoter take a percentage of your sales? What other products are for sale at the show and will your product fit in with the general style of the show? What sort of attendance numbers can you expect? How many vendors are there and how many are selling similar products to you? How much marketing and advertising do the promoters do for their craft show?
How to set up your craft fair booth
Craft show tips for setting up a good booth include the following. Delineate your space by using a canopy or display boards. Set up your display tables in either a Y, L or U shape for easy access to your crafts. Customers must be able to easily reach your display and move around freely. They need to be able to pick up the crafts without too much effort. Put your table at the right height. Often the table is too low for comfortable viewing making customers bend over. Avoid tables that are too wide making it difficult for customers to reach across to items at the back. Avoid cluttering your booth with too much product. If you provide too many different options it becomes overwhelming and customers will often choose nothing. Use attractive signage to inform people about your products and draw them into your booth.
Craft show tips for displaying your products
Help customers visualise using your crafts by displaying the product as it would be used. Create an attractive arrangement of candles, use mannequins and display busts to show off clothing and accessories, fill your ceramic vases with flowers. Highlight the benefits of your product in the display. Light the candles so that customers can see how they burn and enjoy the smell they create. Create different levels, a flat row of crafts is uninteresting. Use risers or display items to do this. Use background colors that complement rather than compete with the products.
Come up with different sales strategies
You have a wonderful product but you still need to come up with great ideas to keep your product selling. What about combining items at a special price? For example pair up a handmade candle with your handcrafted soap for a beautiful bath experience! Make use of the many different holidays by offering customers a holiday related deal. Offer special promotions like a lower price for seniors. Tailor sales promotions to the type of people likely to attend the craft show.
Selling at craft fairs requires preparation and imagination! Don't be afraid to try something new and create a great craft fair booth that brings in the customers and makes the sales.
More craft show tips and helpful information about craft shows can be found at About Craft Shows
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