Proofreading employment is a rewarding home based business opportunity. Find out how to get proofreading jobs from home and enjoy all the benefits of earning income at home.
Put your eye for detail and your spelling and grammatical knowledge to good use with proofreading employment. Proofreading jobs from home can provide you with a good home-based income. Here are five simple steps to finding freelance proofreading jobs.
Build your resume
A convincing resume is key to finding proofreading jobs. Clearly list your educational background including any relevant training and qualifications, your proofreading experience and any style guides that you have a working knowledge of. Include any letters of recommendation you have. Highlight your relevant skills and abilities. Include samples of your proofreading projects.
Build your experience
If your proofreading experience is limited you can expand on this by taking on some volunteer proofreading jobs. Ask local schools and churches if you can proofread their publications in exchange for an acknowledgement of your contribution or a letter of recommendation. Consider taking some online classes or tutorials to develop your skills. You can also investigate local colleges or school divisions for proofreading courses. Start your search for proofreading employment by looking for entry level type proofreading work such as student assignments, local small business advertising and brochures and local organization's newsletters and publications.
Advertise your proofreading services
Print your own flyers and business cards. These are key to getting the word out about your proofreading services. Flyers are an affordable and effective way to promote your business and can be created on a home computer. You can also design and print your own business cards. Tack up your flyers in the local library or on local college bulletin boards. Mail or drop off your flyer with local businesses that are potential clients. Visit print shops and ask if you can leave your business card or flyer with them.
Find freelance online proofreading jobs
There are a number of freelance marketplace websites where proofreaders can bid on jobs posted by clients. Popular sites include Elance and Guru. You can also register with online proofreading services such as and You can submit your resume and become one of their online proofreaders. Carefully research any online proofreading services before signing up with them as there are a number of scams out there.
Build a professional reputation
If you provide a quality service your chances of ongoing proofreading employment are good. When you accept a proofreading assignment make sure you do have the time and resources to complete it properly and by deadline. Deal professionally with the client, meet deadlines and complete each job accurately. Proofreading can be tedious so a committed and conscientious approach will set you apart from the competition for proofreading employment.
Find out more about Work at Home Proofreadingwith these free guides to freelance proofreading.
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