This article is the first in a series of two. It tells you how to build a successful team, what to consider when recruiting your team members.
This is the first article in a series of two.
We all agree that team work is a good idea, don’t we? So now that we agree WHAT we want i.e. a good team; let us discuss HOW to achieve it! How do we go about building our dream team?
It is very important for your general peace of mind and well being to surround yourself with people you trust. This is true in your everyday life and equally important when it comes to electing your team partners! You do not want to waste a lot of unnecessary energy on checking up your team partners agendas, their work progress, results etc. You are all independent business owners, and the team shall be for the common good of every member. Each team member must fulfill his mission independently without supervision. Every member of the team must feel absolute certainty that the others do their part of the job, so the common result is maximized!
One of the advantages of a Home Based Business is that you can choose who to work with. Do not miss out on that possibility! Make sure you build your team with people that you really enjoy working with. Your work result will be far better if you work with people you like and who like to work with you. So not only will your work be more enjoyable, it will also be far more successful with people you like on your team. Selecting your team members carefully will increase your chances of success dramatically.
Take on team members that challenge you! It may be tempting to only choose team members that are “inferior” to yourself. In that way you will always be the leader of the team, and you may temporarily feel good being “the best”. But in the long run this strategy is pure disaster! You will learn very little from your team members; on the other hand you may well find yourself spending a lot of time teaching other team members their job! If you instead elect team members that are better than you in at least some areas of work you will be able to learn from them, and eventually become equally good! So put together a team with diverse competence; team member A is a star on presentations, B is excellent on the Internet, C works magic with the administration... and if the team works well you will all learn from each others skills and the team will be in a constant process of positive development!
Recruit people that are willing to learn! No matter how good you are in your job there is always something to learn. If each team member takes on new skills or improve skills he or she already has it will contribute to the result of the entire team because in the end you will learn from each other! A hunger to learn new skills will also contribute to a positive team spirit, and keep up the team’s interest and motivation to constantly move forward!
In a following article I will continue this discussion and give you more ideas on how to build your dream team.
Remember that you become like the people that surround you.
Good Luck with your team building!
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