The Fundamentals Of Running An Internet Business.
Three things to consider when starting an Internet business.
There are three fundamental things to consider when starting an Internet Business though some would say four - I touch on that later - and we'll look at these individually in the article. These are :
1. Your product or service.
2. Your sales/marketing process.
3. Book keeping.
Let's take each point individually.
1. Your own product or service.
There are two ways of looking at this. Some would say that if you have a fantastic product,
then it will sell itself. Others will tell you that it doesn't matter what the product is, if you have he right sales person. As ever, I have to disagree with both norms and say that for the best results they both matter to a degree. I would suggest that the ultimate business machine is one where the seller is second to none and also the product is one about which he feels passionate. Chances are if he does, then someone else will too. Realistically, though, it's likely that you will have minor deficiencies in either the sales technique or the product itself. In this case, I would say that combination of average product and sales process is better than an imbalance of one or the other.
2. Next is your sales and marketing.
Once you have your product, this is where we sort the wheat form the chaff. Some people say that sales and marketing are one and the same thing - I say that marketing is the sales process in print that draws the client in and ready to close. Having said that, there are occasions when the marketing will complete the sales process, as well. The marketing should be done in small stages, thereby slowly revealing a little more about the product or service a little at a time - so keeping the customer fascinated enough to keep wanting to know more. Sometimes, the customer will need a telephone call to complete and this is he part I cal the sales process. A good system will have people for you to call on to carry out this procedure if you are not comfortable with it ( and most people are not ).
3. Your book keeping.
This should be kept as simple as possible and you do not have to splash out on the latest computer software to start a small Internet business - particularly if you are a sole trader within the service industry where no stock is required. Indeed, all that is required in that case, is a small cash book to show what comes in and what goes out. Get an accountant to do the balance sheet and profit and loss account. They are pretty cheap for very small businesses and some will even do your books for free for the first year - or at least a larger discount.
If you keep things simple to begin with, setting up on your own Internet business should not be an arduous or stressful task. Begin by finding a system that offers you the things mentioned above and you shouldn't go far wrong. Having said that, you will most likely have to work very hard for the first year or so - indeed, I should have made that number four in the of the fundamental point shown above. Most of all, however, enjoy yourself!