One of the most important aspects of starting an Internet business is driving traffic to your site. This article uncovers some of the mysteries
When starting your Internet business,

did you - or do you - struggle to drive traffic to your site? Driving traffic is rather like producing a cash flow in any business - without it, you are doomed ( trust me ). This article is designed to educate people on choosing a marketing and distribution method as opposed to actual content. Despite what you may hear from all the experts out there, and there are lots of them, I always say that there is not right or wrong way to do this. As long as it woks for you, then that’s fine.
There are two things to consider and the first one is how are you going to create this cash flow? Secondly, how are you going to do it in bulk? In other words, how you intend to leverage the Internet to maximise your gains. For the first part, you must choose a method of delivery with which you are comfortable and confident. I am assuming you have enough passion for your product already and that you are now ready to make a massive boost to your sales.
I mentioned confidence and comfort. Quite honestly, if you are comfortable sitting in front of a camera and subsequently, the next Internet star - I am not, by the way - then it will portray a sense of knowledge and experience to your audience. This is good news because people want someone who knows what they are doing before they will part with their cash. As confidence portrays success, you will then be on to a winner. An Internet Business is no different in this respect to an off line business.
The main three ways to attract business via the Internet are video, article or Google Adwords marketing. I use article marketing - perhaps because I had already had paid article work before I became involved in Internet marketing - but have also delved into the other two.
If you are not sure which is for you - ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do I have an analytical mind?
2.Am I a bit of a showman?
3.Do I communicate well through writing and enjoy reading?
Choose whichever you are strongest in and I would suggest you start small and monitor your success by tacking your links. Once you have found something you enjoy that has moderate success, then you need to start doing it really big and, thus, use the leverage of the Internet. There are companies that will submit your video, for e.g. to thousands of sites. I use a firm called Article Marketer who, for a set fee, allows you to submit as many articles as you wish every month, whereupon they send it to round about a thousand sites within twenty four hours. This is using leverage.
In summary, when you get to the part of your Internet business that deals with driving traffic make sure you choose a marketing method about which you are confident and feel comfortable and then find a way which will allow you to use the leverage power of the Internet. In summary, when you get to the part of your Internet business that deals with driving traffic make sure you choose a marketing method about which you are confident and feel comfortable and then find a way which will allow you to use the leverage power of the Internet. This will enable you to achieve a high traffic flow when starting your Internet business.