3 Plumbing Tips For Every Homeowner To Know
Owning a home is a wonderful investment from not only a financial standpoint, but from a family security one. But owning a home also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Here are three tips that can help you with at least one aspect of that responsibility, mainly the plumbing.
Owning a home is a wonderful investment from not only a financial standpoint,

but from a family security one. Who wants to live in an apartment for the rest of their lives? But owning a home also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Your house probably didn't come with a checklist of those responsibilities and a handbook to consult when something goes wrong, so you'll need to figure it out as you go along. Here are three tips that can help you with at least one aspect of that responsibility: the plumbing.
Get Your Water Heater Inspected:
Many homeowners let their water heaters go without inspection for years. This is probably a mistake. In fact, most appliances in your home could do with an annual inspection just to make sure they are working as efficiently as possible and not developing problems that could come back to bite you when you least expect it. In terms of plumbing, though, the water heater is a big one. Just because you feel hot water when you need it doesn't mean the appliance is working the way it should. Find out early and don't wait until the problem grows.
Get Leaks Fixed Quickly:
If you're the type of homeowner who takes an "I'll get to it when I get to it" approach to maintenance, this is one area of home responsibility you don't want to procrastinate on. Water leaks from pipes, the toilet, or anywhere else in the plumbing can lead to some big issues if they aren't resolved immediately. If you notice water leaking at the base of your toilet, for instance, just mopping it up isn't enough. It could easily be doing floor damage below the visible area. Water damage can result in some huge bills, so unless you have all the money in the world, this is something you'll want to get fixed as soon as possible.
Shower Pressure:
No one wants to take a shower in a lazy drizzle. There has been a major backlash against so-called energy saving showerheads, which double your bathing time while you turn this way and that to get all of the shampoo out of your hair. But jamming up the pressure level isn't always the best idea, either. Too much pressure can take a toll on both your fixtures and your pipes. Pressures above 80 PSI are just generally bad for your plumbing system. You can still get a decent water flow at that level and you can do it without courting trouble.