A Guidebook to the Japanese Style Bath Tub
A guidebook of the Japanese style bath tub for anyone interested in purchasing one for their home. Information is included on the specifics of these models as well as the differences between them and western models.
In the western world,

consumers are more accustomed to a long and shallow bathtub made either of fiberglass or porcelain. A Japanese style tubs has many differences and is considered to be much more therapeutic than western models. For those considering the purchase of one of these tubs, the information below will provide you with specifics about these products so that you can make the decision that is best for your situation.Style and ShapeA Japanese style bath tub is built in a square shape rather than a narrow rectangular, oval, or oblong shape of a western tub. This smaller square shape allows the tub to have a deeper design so that the water rises to the neck of the individual using it. This is the same style and shape which has been used for centuries by the Japanese and allows for soaking of the entire body at once.When it comes to style, Japanese tubs are available as simple or as elegant as you like. From a plain smaller square model made entirely of wood, to a decadent uniquely styled two setter model with all of the latest features added, there is a wealth of variety when it comes to Japanese tub styles. Arm and foot rests are now being incorporated in some of the newer models as well in order to make them more marketable to foreigners.Water TemperatureWater temperature of a Japanese tub tends to be much hotter than that used in western style tubs. Although this is not a requirement when you own a Japanese style tub, it is how the models were designed to be used. The newest models now have an automatic fill setting, which will fill the tub to the specified level and set it at a specific temperature. Thermostats are now being built in as a standard feature to ensure the maximum heating of the water.MaterialsThe traditional Japanese style bath tub was made entirely of wood. These were simple models used in public wash rooms or the homes of individuals who were lucky enough to have their own. Now, there are tubs available in a wide range of materials. Ceramic tiles and stone such as granite and marble are commonly used in higher end models. Other materials include porcelain and fiberglass which is also used to make western style tubs. Choosing a Japanese Style Bath TubThose looking for a therapeutic tub that provides a look which is different and out of the ordinary would be happy with a Japanese style bath tub. They have many benefits which make them the ideal choice for many individuals. If you are considering the purchase of one of these products, the information above can help you decide which style, materials, and features you would like to have your tub made with. When you do your research and consider the choice carefully, you can make the choice that will best suit your needs.