Are you in the mafia? Perhaps you're a mental patient who hates the side effects of all those pills. Are you a young kid or teenager with delicate items that shouldn't be found? Perhaps you're in a militia and don't trust banks. Whichever you are,

a mattress can store and hide items that you don't want to be found for months, maybe even years.
For hard lines libertarians who live in the woods and don't trust the government or banks, you could easily make a slit in the side of your bedding and store cash money, gold, weapons, or anything for post-collapse society. Anything can be stored inside: utensils, heating sources, tools, gold nuggets, rifles, and more. When society takes a turn for the worst, you can assure yourself that the preparations you took paid off. No one will tread on you when they try to overrun your compound and they are met with a double barrel shotgun pulled from the cottony delight upon which you sleep!
For those in the mafia, money laundering is an essential practice. Many mafia types have to try and find a fast and efficient way to launder and funnel dirty money, so storing it in a mattress may be a good way to go. Oftentimes mafia goons do not have the time to be digging holes all over the backyard or on odd places around the city, so a quick way to store pre-laundered cash is right inside the cushion in which they or their family sleeps. This is one great place to hide things from the authorities if necessary.
Teens may utilize this method to hide subversive literature like magazines or graphic novels, music or other pieces of art that should not be found out by mom, dad, or the foster parents. This is specifically important for rigid, hard lined Christian families that seek to censor the world from their offspring. While the intentions may be good, it is simply inevitable that kids are going to get their hands on a record or book that papa just ain't cool with. Use the bed to hide this stuff, but do it well, especially if your mom is the one who changes the sheets.
Mental patients can use the mattress for a completely different purpose. For those who hate the deadening and numbing sensation brought on by all those pills forced down the throat by fascist nurses, mental patients often use their bedding to store away pills and other medicines to stay sober. Patients must take caution however, for if they are found out, they may be placed in a higher security wing. And no one wants that.
It is clear that the mattress has been used for years to hide many objects from money to jewels to guns and weaponry. Depending in your situation, this method of hiding things can come in handy for people from all walks of life. Whatever you need to hide and protect, making a small tear or slit in your bedding can hold a plethora of items and objects, from dangerous to valuable.