A Roof Repair Can Save Your Roof
Silent damage to your roof is just as destructive as obvious roof damage. A roof repair can treat both and resolve future problems.
State Farm Insurance runs a commercial that involves a giant robot walking down the suburban street crushing cars underfoot and shooting laser rays out of its one giant eye as it goes. The robot stops at one house and after crushing the car in the driveway swings its arm at the roof and swipes it off. The two men watching in the street remark that whatever the creature is- it doesn't like Dwayne. Dwayne of course is the home owner who has a crushed car and a missing roof but presumably also has good insurance that covers robot invasions destroying the roof of his home.
It is highly unlikely that your roof will be destroyed by a robot anytime in the near future,
but it's not unlikely that your roof will at some point need to be replaced or repaired due to age and natural wear or storm damage caused by Mother Nature (not robot invaders). More importantly, roof repair is an essential step for a homeowner.
As dramatic as the commercial was it did illustrate a point. It doesn't take a robot to smash your roof off for the elements to get inside your home to do as much damage as the robot. All it takes is one roofing nail to come out or one shingle to fall off in order to create an entrance for water to leak in and create massive damage. Missing shingles and nails are easy to ignore or even miss completely if you only see your roof from the driveway. This is why it's important to do an annual inspection on the roof itself, especially if you live in an area prone to fierce storms or harsh weather conditions that can do untold damage. This preventative step helps so you catch any needed roof repair jobs early on.
If you or your roofing contractor do find missing shingles, nails or unsealed seams around your flashings it's vital to have the roof repair done as soon as possible. By doing this you will avoid any more potential damage. You or your contractor should also inspect the attic to for any roofing damage.
Black mold can take root and grow quickly if it is left undetected for even a short period of time. Mold only needs moisture and wood to survive. Your attic is a prime starting point for mold to take root and this can be more destructive than a robot knocking your whole roof off in one easy swipe.
Seriously, a roof repair job will cost less than ignoring it and assuming that if no more shingles fall off no more damage is occurring. Silent damage can be just as destructive as extremely obvious damage of a robot when it comes right down to it. No damage should be ignored regardless of what causes it.