Advantages of Switching to Solar Water Heaters
Solar water heaters are a year round investment in using renewable energy and lowering your cost of living. The first step is to select the ideal system for your size of property. The second step is to complete professional installation or to install it on your own. The third step is to complete regular professional maintenance so that your long-term savings will not be cut short.
If your current tank water heater is old and giving you so much grief in terms of consistency,

what will you do with it? Sometimes you've run out of hot water and sometimes the pilot has gone out. The parts have required replacement and it's started making noises sometimes. It's time for a replacement, but what direction will you take? Will you invest a little extra money now for the long-term benefit of going greener with solar energy? Or, will you replace your old tank with a new tank and cross your finger for the life of this one too?
Hot running water is one of the best things that you depend on each and every day regardless of the season outside. But, over the years your heating system hasn't been as reliable as it should and you've been thinking about the investment and benefits of solar water heaters. So what are all of the advantages to using or incorporating this energy efficient and environmentally friendly water heating devices and apparatuses? First of all the construction is key. The solar panel is placed on the roof of your home with two reservoir or storage tank options. You can either have it placed above the panels or below with a pump function.
There are several long-term advantages to following through with updating your home's water heating system to solar water heaters. First, the solar tax credits and incentives can be very helpful when tax season comes around. As the title suggests it is an incentive for homeowners to take the steps toward using less non-renewable resources. The professional installation and professional maintenance are worth in the long term as well. The long-term benefit grows as the amount of money owed on your utility bill shrinks over time. You are likely aware of the benefits but it is an interesting experience to be able to use your water heating system as you need it and watch your cost of living drop. But what about the adjustments that are required in order to make any switch over to renewable energy and greener living.
Your solar water heaters can be used year round in a warmer climate such as in the southern region or southwestern areas of the United States. However, there are many areas that experience frost, snow, and dry seasons. These are times when an electric or gas boost system or water reserve tank in your garage or house (such as your old tank) can be useful.