Bed Bugs: Signs You Have Them and Steps to Get Rid of Them
People may joke about bed bugs, or assume they will never get them, but the reality is that they are a serious problem. They are both bothersome and hard to get rid of, so if you are dealing with this pest, you need some helps from the professionals. Learn a few basics about bed bugs before deciding whether it is worth it to pay for assistance eliminating them from your home.
First you should find out whether you have them. Hiring a pest control company can do the trick,
but you can get an idea by checking your sheets for tiny black specks, as they tend to leave their feces behind. If you have these pests, you probably also have noticed small red marks on your skin, leading to itchiness. If you have never seen these types of marks on your body before now, and are pretty sure there are no other obvious causes, you probably have an infestation of bed bugs. However, some people do not get marks on their skin from these creatures, or they take a few days to show up. In addition, their bite contains an anesthetic so that you may not feel it when they bite you. While they are notorious for being hard to get rid of, the good news is that a professional company can help you out.
Another fact to know is that these pests do not just live in mattresses or sheets. They can also be found in your carpet, couch, or in cracks. Basically, any small place where they can fit might be considered comfortable for these tiny visitors. Do not bother checking such places since the human eye cannot see them easily at all, which is why you need to use either other clues, such as their feces or bite marks, or a pest control company to spot them. Of course, even detecting them on your own does not get rid of the problem, as you will only be confirming that you have an issue that tends to intimidate many people. The benefit of having the professionals confirm the problem is that you can immediately schedule an appointment to get it fixed.
Most companies offer a free detection, along with a free price estimate if they do find bed bugs. The next step is to make an appointment to get rid of them, if the company cannot do it on the spot. Just be sure to get a few price quotes before committing to one business, though if the price sounds low to you, and you are desperate to start the siege on these unwanted visitors, it is okay to schedule an appointment with the first expert that comes along. Of course, it may be tempting to try getting rid of these creatures on your own, but be aware that you will have to spend money on products, and then take time to find and kill the pests. In many cases, contacting a business to do the dirty work is ultimately the best choice.