Drain Cleaning Vital Facts You Need To Know
If your drains are clogged you need professional drain cleaning help to unclog them.
Your mother told you not to do it but you did it anyways and figured if nothing happened the first time you could safely keep doing it and there would be no recourse for your actions. But now the day of reckoning is here and you realize that you were wrong to ignore your mother's sage advice.
Now you have to do what you swore you would never do and admit your mother was right. It turns out that pouring hot grease down the kitchen drain,

even if you flush it down with hot water will lead to problems with your drains. And it also turns out that you can only go so long pretending your kitchen sink is garbage disposal when it is not and push things down the drain like last night's dinner before the gunky build up leads to slow drains and then clogs and standing water.
You can dump bottles of drain cleaner down and eventually you may get some clearance again and your drains will begin to circulate once more but if you have made a history of abusing your kitchen drainage system and ignoring what appears to be some solid mothering tips- it is time to take it to the next level and have a good drain cleaning done by someone more professional than Mr. Draino in a bottle.
Drain cleaning can be done by a professional plumbing company and is a good way to ensure your home's most valuable assets- your pips-are taken care of properly. Since your plumbing also involves sewage it's a good idea to have a professional do the dirty job for you. If it's not done right you can inhale sewage gas and that can make you sick and violate some EPA standards in the process.
You should expect a home's drain cleaning to take a few hours and you should expect to have all of your home's pipes and plumbing to be cleaned and checked in the draining process. There are a few different methods that your plumber may use to clean your drains including using an air burst drain cleaner that as the name implies utilizes a powerful burst of air to clean your clogged drains immediately. Air burst methods are fast and they work but they are limited to the reach of the air burst which may not reach those clogs that have built up further down in the system.
A mechanical or electrical snake is considered more effective method for drain cleaning because they can navigate a great distance and make it through the bends and turns of your plumbing without getting stuck. The only disadvantage to this method is it does require an expert to use so don't attempt to do this one yourself -hire a professional.
Once you get your drains cleaned though your slow drainage and clogs should be a thing of the past and you will have learned that your mother was right about one thing in your life at least.