How A Plumbing Snake Is Used To Unclog A Drain
We've all been there. You turn the faucet on and watch your sink fill up with water, even though the drain is not ostensibly plugged. A plumbing snake will almost always get the job done. Whether you are thinking of buying one or are just curious to know how they work, here is an overview.
We've all been there. You turn the faucet on and watch your sink fill up with water,

even though the drain is not ostensibly plugged. You shut the water off, but it doesn't swirl down the drain. It just sits there. You can use a plunger, a chemical solution, or even a foaming liquid to try and unclog the drain, but there's nothing certain to work. A plumbing snake, however, will almost always get the job done. The average homeowner doesn't own one, but they aren't off limits by any means. Whether you are thinking of buying one or are just curious to know how they work, here is an overview.
Clogged Drains:
Drains can be clogged by any number of substances. Hair is one of the most common of these substances. It masses together, wet and impenetrable, and forms a blockage that no ordinary solution is going to get rid of. But hair isn't the only enemy. Congealed grease, pieces of food, paper towels, and many other household objects can cause a drain to get stopped up. A clog sometimes happens instantly (you shove something into the garbage disposal that shouldn't have gone there) and sometimes happens over a long period of time. One thing gets blocked up against another and before you know it, no water is able to get through.
The Plumbing Snake:
The plumbing snake offers a good solution for these difficult situations. The homeowner or plumber will insert the snake into the drain and begins to slowly guide it until it reaches the source of the clog. At this point, what happens next depends on what kind of plumbing snake you're using. With a basic wire coil, it's just a matter of forcing it through the clog, pushing it through and hopefully dispersing it so that it doesn't just clog the drain deeper down. Other forms are motorized, which gives the snake a much better chance of slicing through the clog and eliminating it for good.
Once you've used your plumbing snake, you need to make sure it is cleaned and stored away properly. Disinfect the snake using a mixture of bleach and water will make sure nothing begins to grow on the end of the coil. Physically remove any obvious pieces of debris that remain clung to the device. If motorized, make sure you keep water away from the electrical components. If you don't own such a snake and have no desire to, you can call your local plumber in case of a clog and he will bring his own device for the removal.