How to Get Bedford Parking Permits for Visitors
The Traffic Police of the Police Department of Bedford are responsible for maintaining decorum in the parking order of vehicles. To ensure that mover trucks do not interrupt the daily flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the town, the Traffic Police have planned parking options for them.
Bedford is a small town situated in Middlesex Massachusetts. The governing body of Bedford has appointed the Traffic Police of the Police Department to ensure smooth traffic and efficient parking in this town. The Bedford Movers have to follow the rules and regulation laid down by the town of Bedford.
A special parking permit for the mover truck can be obtained by getting in touch with either the Police Department or the Parking Clerk at 10 Mudge Way,

Bedford, MA 01730.
Parking in Bedford
The traffic police responsible for the parking in Bedford have laid down the following rules for parking of heavy vehicles or mover trucks:
- You cannot park a mover truck at an intersection or near it.
- You cannot under any circumstance park a vehicle on the sidewalk.
- No Vehicle can be parked within a ten feet distance of a crossing.
- During winter, upon accumulation of two inches or more of snow, you cannot park the vehicle on the highway.
- You cannot park any vehicle on the highway within twenty four hours of snowfall.
- You cannot park the truck parallel to any other vehicle parked in a proper parking slot.
- Your vehicle cannot block or obstruct a fire hydrant or be parked within ten feet of a fire hydrant.
- You cannot park your truck in a fire lane.
- Your truck cannot be parked on a bridge.
- Your truck cannot be parked such that it obstructs the view of the traffic signal.
- It is not permitted to park in a designated ‘No Parking’ zone irrespective of the reason of parking.
- You cannot park in a bicycle lane.
- You cannot park in front of an existing driveway.
You have to notify the local authorities for the duration for which you require to park the vehicle. There is ban on night parking in Bedford. No non-resident vehicle will be allowed to park overnight on the streets of Bedford.
Instructions for the permit holder
The resident of Bedford has to apply for permits to park the mover truck in the desired area. The Police Department of Bedford reserves the right to grant this application. The authorities need to be notified a minimum of three days in advance before the day of the move. If you want to move on a Sunday you should contact the Police Department or the Parking Clerk latest by Thursday. There is no special fee required to get parking permits for time periods less than twelve hours.
When the application of a parking permit is granted the holder of the permit has to ensure that
- The designated area is clearly marked by painting lines.
- Safety cones have been placed to highlight the space for which the permit has been granted.
- You have placed relevant ‘no parking’ signs around the mover truck to ensure safety.
- The Police Department has the right to send officers to cross-check the need stated by the permit holder.
- The permit holder has to be present in person or over the phone for the duration of the permit.