Insulation: Make Sure You're Protected During an Install
Installing better insulation in one's home can keep its insides protected from the elements. If you are about to engage in such a project, do your research and make sure you are fully protected.
Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to keep their houses cool in the summer and warm in the winter without causing their electric bills to go through the roof. This quest often leads to putting additional or better insulation in their attics,

stopping the consistent draft of air from leaving their homes and reducing the efficiency of their HVAC system. Because any homeowner can easily find some pink, fluffy fiberglass stuffing to put in their attic, it has turned into a rather common do-it-yourself project. The problem is this: many homeowners don't realize the dangers involved in working with this stuff. If you are about to engage in such a project, do your research and make sure you are fully protected.
The primary danger of fiberglass insulation are the fibers themselves. Anyone who has ever touched the stuff with their bare hands can attest to the itchy feeling that follows. This is from those tiny fibers getting into the skin and causing irritation. This can come from both the popular and long-standing batting form of it, as well as the blown-in form, and what you can feel on your skin may also be getting into your lungs and your eyes. Because of this, anyone working with this stuff needs to have their entire bodies covered to avoid exposure. That means wearing a proper jumpsuit, gloves, goggles, and preferably some kind of dust mask.
If this type of job is done in the warmer months, the attic is probably going to be one of the hottest places you can think of. Naturally, few homeowners like the idea of doing manual labor in a steaming hot area, all while wearing the hottest and most stifling type of outfit. This is only one reason why many people choose to take their chances and go without the proper protection.
This is a mistake. Particularly bad is if you happen to have or develop an allergic reaction to the fiberglass, which could lead to some fairly significant health problems. Insulation being left alone in the floors of the attic is generally not going to cause any problems, but working with it is an entirely different story.
Of course, there are a couple of ways to avoid having to suit up when it's time to insulate the attic. The best way is to hire an outside company to come in and do it for you. These workers will be trained on not only how to deal with this stuff in the safest possible manner, but also how to lay it out so that it performs the job it is designed to do. Many homeowners know very little about how to place insulation, and wind up wasting their time and money by installing it improperly. Along the same lines, you may want to look at less hazardous materials to use for the same purpose. Companies that specialize in this area will be able to lead you to alternative methods, many of which are more effective than the old pink stuff to boot.