Meet the Ventless and Direct-Vent Gas Fireplace
Modern gas fireplaces are available as ventless and direct-vent, which means they can be installed and operated virtually anywhere. They put modern style in while the take the toil out of owning a fireplace.
Modern fireplaces are being constructed with new standards of appearance and performance in mind. And they demonstrate more adaptability,
versatility and creativity than we have ever seen before. The two key phrases homeowners ought to learn are “ventless” and “direct vent.” Ventless fireplaces vent safely into the room in which they are set up, and some are even portable, which, surprisingly, doesn’t take away from their aesthetic value. Direct-vent gas fireplaces can be installed anywhere and vent through a wall or the ceiling. They can even be mounted on a wall like a painting.The wall-mounted ventless or direct-vent gas fireplace is designed in an ultra-slim style popular with contemporary fireplaces today. They are available in a myriad of variations, from an elegant black finish to a translucent eggshell white. They are very easy to assemble and install, and are gorgeous accents to any room with or without the heat turned on. You can choose surface-mount, plug-in installation for unmatched simplicity, or have them recess-installed for a sleek low-profile look that remains flush with the wall.Some models have a beveled trim that creates an ultra-modern look that warms any room with style. Instant access to heat with the thermostat controls allows you to warm any room or area up to 500 square feet. And they do so with real, yellow flames, as opposed to the illusion of electric fireplaces or the meek blue flames of older-model gas fireplaces.The modern ventless or direct-vent gas fireplace is manufactured using exclusive technologies that are guaranteed to dazzle the eye. They are built to be beautiful pieces of art even when not in use, and offer new freedoms as to where they can be set up. Dancing flames can warm the bedroom from the center of the room or the bathroom from the wall where it hangs. You can pick out any number of favorites that are each original, and choose the best for the space you wish to heat.Many models are designed specifically to heat an outdoor area or patio. Contemporary fireplaces emanate warmth AND create ambiance for contemporary houses and apartments, as opposed to the rusticity so often attributed to fireplaces for sale. And all the while they reduce the environmental impact of hearths and heat sources by burning less fuel and burning it cleaner and greener. A direct-vent gas fireplace, for instance, uses nearly 50% less energy than an electric heater or fireplace, and, because it burns all of the methane efficiently, leaves behind little or no greenhouse gases.If you already own a fireplace you can get a gas insert to retrofit it into a modern gas fireplace. Doing so will allow you to remove the inconvenience of cleaning out ashes and lighting fires, and you will no longer be losing heat through the flue or releasing smoke into the air. You will also have complete and instantaneous control of the flames’ intensity at your fingertips. Inserts can make old fashioned rustic fireplaces function and appear more like contemporary fireplaces, which means it will reflect modern technology, design and ecological conscience.And because of the sheer variety out there, it won’t be a problem to find the direct vent gas fireplace insert that most befits your home, your style and your needs.