Waterproofing System Hazards: When Your Sump Pump Fails
Can you depend on your sump pump to keep your basement dry and mold-free? While it is an effective waterproofing system, there are a few hazards that could threaten your home if you aren't careful.
Many homeowners use a sump pump for waterproofing their basement when it is located near the water table level. The pump is a versatile device,

with several models available to suit various needs based on the location of the basement, the amount of water drainage required, and the power needed to operate it at optimal levels. While sump pumps can be very effective in keeping a basement dry, homeowners need to be aware of a few hazards that can lead to flooding, mold, and rot.
One fairly common problem with sump pumps is illegal dumping. Your pump may be draining into a sanitary sewer, which makes you liable for fines if you fail to correct it. Many older homes have pumps that are still connected in this way. When too many pumps are connected to the system, or there have been heavy rains or flooding causing excessive drainage from homes, the local sewage treatment system can be inundated by this water, causing far-reaching problems. One way to check to see if your sump pump is draining into the sanitary sewer is if it drains into a deep sink. If you suspect you're dumping into the sewer system, it is important to reroute your waterproofing system so that it connects to a storm drain. While receiving a fine or warning from the local council is rare, if you do plan on selling the home in the future it is better to follow the code.
Another problem many homeowners face when relying on sump pumps for waterproofing their basements is an electrical failure. During a severe storm, when you need your pump working at its full capacity, the power lines can be knocked down, shutting off your drainage system. The water will build up and once the clouds have cleared, you'll be stuck with a pool of water in your basement. The solution is to update your system to include a battery backup in case of such an emergency. Even just a few hours of backup power can ensure your home won't suffer from damage such as mold and rot.
Even with a backup battery, there is still the chance for sump pump failure for a variety of reasons. Few people venture into their basement to check often enough how well their waterproofing system is working. Before you know it, you could have significant mold development. For further security, an alarm can be hung so that it will let out a siren when the water has risen too high above the well. These systems are easily installed, inexpensive, and well worth the effort. Your pump should also be maintained to protect against mechanical failures. Any obstructions need to be cleared from the drains so the system isn't forced to overwork. Scaly buildup should also be removed. For older systems located in areas of heavy water flow, a backup pump is advisable. The cost of installing a second system will be less expensive than repairing the damage left by a flooded basement.