Most popular blogs understand the need to maintain a frequent blog posting schedule that reflects interesting content for their readers. To maintain such a schedule can seem challenging however there does exists some simple rules you can follow to make this task easier. Read more to discover how to minimize your efforts as you continuously post blog entries sure to satisfy your readers.
Blog posting serves two very important roles insofar as it is not only expected to attract new site visitors but also keep them continually returning. All popular blogs have one thing in common and that is they keep the blog reader happy with fresh and frequent updates. This may seem like trying to be on the 'top of your game' 24/7 but there really is a way to handily keep your blog entries interesting and fresh! Nobody said having a successful blog was easy but it is also not as overwhelming as it may seem.
Here are 5 simple rules to follow to maintain a steady stream of popular posts to your blog.
Keep it Short and Sweet
Unless you have got a blockbuster post chock full of so much information that the post needs to be article length or longer keep your post short. Most popular posts are of 300 words or less.
The blog reader by nature is like a hummingbird in that they want to quickly drift in read what you got to say they dart off. By keeping your post short they will be able to accomplish this and you also won't have to labor over a 500 plus word post.
Learn to say more with fewer words!
Supply Content That 'Serves'
What I mean here is that your content needs to appeal to the reader for some reason or the other. Your content can be of useful information or perhaps something insightful or thought provoking. Even the use of humor is a good idea since everybody ( I hope) enjoys a good laugh!
The point is you always want your reader coming away with something after they have read one of your posts.
Visual Aids
The use of pictures of graphics helps to break up the page somewhat allowing eyes a little less strain. Continuous reading of tightly packed words puts a tremendous strain on the eyes.
By 'inserting' a picture or possibly even a short video that may help get your point across you are 'killing two birds with one stone.'
Guest Blogger
If you experience an occasional brain freeze fear not. You can always 'enlist' the aid of a guest blogger who will lend a new perspective to your site. This will also be a fresh experience for your readers and we all know they love fresh!
Down the road you can return the favor and fill in at their site.
Use Links
If you happen across interesting content on another blog do not be afraid to link to it by referring your readers to the material over there. Your readers will appreciate it as will the site owner of the blog you have referred them to.
In the future that blogger could very well return the favor bringing you a new stream of traffic.
Your blog posting is a key factor in attracting both the new blog reader while maintaining the loyalty of the old ones. Site visitors want content that is of interest to them and they want it often. Most of the popular blogs have realized this and are able to appease their followers with frequent blog entries that serve readers in some way. Whether your post are thought provoking,
useful, humorous, or maybe even shocking it doesn't matter. You just want to be sure they serve some sort of purpose and that your readers know they won't have to wait long for a new post. By combining the 5 rules above with just a little effort you should be able to easily maintain a steady flow of content to keep your blog alive and flourishing.