Google is expected to open its books this week. Will it be revealed that they are making more money than they allure too?No matter what the numbers say, other search engines namely Yahoo and ...
Google is expected to open its books this week. Will it be revealed that they are making more money than they allure too?
No matter what the numbers say, other search engines namely Yahoo and Microsoft(MSN) are eager to find out what they are. Since the secretive Google has been able to hide behind being a private company.
They hope to find clues on what Googles profits are and possibly how much money Google spends on technology for their search engine. All in the desire to get their own share of the Online Search Market.
It is expected that Google makes more than they say each time someone uses their engine. Indicating that there is possibly plenty of cash for all interested in the search engine game. Even if they are smaller players offering 'niche' services.
Yahoo who has approximately 5% of a stake in Google, anticipates that there is plenty of room for both Google and Yahoo to thrive with search engine services.
Larry Page one of Googles founders told Reuters recently that he expects online search to be a "healthy market with many companies".
Even Microsoft, seeing that Yahoo is breaking away from Google and coming up with their own Yahoo Slurp is also hard at work trying to design a better search engine in MSN and expects to offer a better way to search as early as July.
All this in trying to get a piece of the over $6 billion dollar search engine advertising pie. Plus the hopes of making search engine results more useful to surfers.
We all know that Google makes money with Google Adwords by displaying results along side or on top of search results. Now Google is announcing their own email service which will also provide even more revenue by having advertisements along side email messages.
The Security and Exhange Commission is most likely going to require Google to show their books. Since they expect that Google has over $10 million in assets and possibly over 500 equity holders.
The bottom line is whether Google makes an initial public offering or not. Their financial disclosures will hopefully show that there is plently of room for all to have their share of the search engine market.
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