The IMMACC Training Process- Internet Marketing Experts
IMMACC, the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center, is the premier online training program. Here is a detailed look into their process.

Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center, is a premier training program that promotes three major platforms for getting information to their students... Live Webinars, Archived Videos, and Personal 1:1 Coaching/Mentoring. Every member that joins the program has equal access to all 3 of these methods. Live webinars are held three times each week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Members pre-register for each training event and then log in at the appropriate time to view the training. There are 2 options for participating, via phone or via web. Trainings are hosted by company CEO Gerald Van Yerxa although he will often have guest presenters who will cover different areas of expertise. In every live training, all members in attendance have the ability to ask questions at any time and Van Yerxa will answer all questions prior to ending the session. Visit IMMACC members have access to a "back office" section of the company website where all prior trainings are stored. By scrolling down an indexed list of over 100 trainings, one can select the video they would like to view and watch it at their convenience. The back office is available to members 24/7 it contains recorded trainings covering more than 50 different marketing techniques and strategies. Trainings can be viewed multiple times if necessary. Each live training session is archived in the back office so that any member that can not attend a live session can view it at a later time. Personal 1:1 coaching/mentoring is available from many of the experienced marketing experts with IMMACC. These sessions are scheduled upon request and there is no limit to the amount of 1:1 instruction provided to each member. The personal mentoring is instrumental in helping new members to develop their niche and get started and Van Yerxa himself is willing to get "in the trenches" with new students via phone, Skype, email, etc... something that you don't often see out of a millionaire CEO. IMMACC's educational program is generic, so it can be applied to any business or industry that is looking to market themselves online and improve website traffic. There are current members from industries ranging from Real Estate, franchises, attorneys, small business owners, network marketers, and more. The majority of marketing methods taught are free so the member is not required to have a large advertising budget in order to begin. It is NOT required for someone to have an existing business in order to join IMMACC. They also provide training on how to start a home-based, non-MLM, online business. The IMMACC system is without a doubt effective, with numerous success stories to their credit. Individual results will vary, as with any business, but with all of the resources available to each member, the odds are in your favor. IMMACC is an ongoing educational program that delivers what it promises.