Handing Your Life When Out On Bail Bonds
No matter how bad it looks, there is a lot you can control when you're accused of a crime. Secure bail bonds and be prepared for a difficult time and take the precautions necessary to avoid heavy media involvement.
If you’ve been accused of a crime and bail bonds are posted on your behalf,

you are now free to go about your personal business outside of your appointed court dates. However, this also opens you up to a lot of attention from the media. Celebrities are not the only people who need to deal with the constant barrage of paparazzi and media in their faces when they have been accused of a crime. Today, being accused of a major crime can make you a celebrity in and of itself. It can be incredibly difficult to deal with, all the sensation surrounding your case and the popular opinions on your guilt or innocence being tossed around. The popularity of TV crime dramas and the spectacle of nationally publicized cases have made this country obsessed. It’s best to be prepared if you are ever caught up in the hype of your case.
There are a few steps to avoid being in the spotlight. The most important thing to do if you’ve been accused and brought to jail is to contain the initial news of what has happened. You may need to keep secret the details of your case from even your closest of friends and family. You are allowed one phone call when arrested, make sure that phone call is to the one personal you can trust with the information that you have been brought in by the police. You may also want this person to help you co-sign for bail bonds.
Securing bail bonds is the next step in the process. Although private bonds from a family member or friend can help you, it is best to hire a bail bondsman and secure a public bond. This will avoid further involvement of your family and friends and less of a need to explain everything to someone who isn’t your lawyer. Bail bond companies are objective third parties that are only in the business of providing a service. They will need information about the details of your case in any shape or form. They are trustworthy and confidential with your information.
Make sure the posting of the bail bonds is a process that moves swiftly. If your bail bondsman doesn’t act immediately, seek out another company. Get out of jail as fast as you can. The longer you are in jail the more likely someone will start asking questions and identify you as the next media target.
Once bail bonds have been posted and you are back at home, meet with your family and friends and be honest and candid with them about the truth in the matter. Everyone needs to be on the same page with your case as the media may question any and every contact you have during your case. Be honest with them and keep them updated on your case. You can also choose to be selective about what you’re telling them but never make them feel that you are lying. Aspects of the case should remain between you and your lawyer, who is legally obligated to maintain all information in confidence. Also make sure you attend all of your appointed court dates to avoid people thinking you’re guilty.