How a Chapter 7 Attorney Can Bring You Back From The Brink
During times of economic stress, a Chapter 7 attorney doesn’t have to look very far to find clients. Of course, people are forced to file for dismissal of their debts even during times of economic privilege and wealth. This is why these types of provisions were built into our government. Debtors get out from under the crushing weight of endless stress and creditors get as much as possible out of a deal that turned sour.
During times of economic stress,
a Chapter 7 attorney doesn’t have to look very far to find clients. Of course, people are forced to file for dismissal of their debts even during times of economic privilege and wealth. This is why these types of provisions were built into our government. As lawmakers didn’t want to see people’s lives ruined by debt, they gave them options. These options can be taken advantage of, they can be abused, but for the most part, the system works. Debtors get out from under the crushing weight of endless stress and creditors get as much as possible out of a deal that turned sour.
A Chapter 7 attorney can tell you that not everyone is going to qualify for the terms. There are several different kinds of bankruptcy in the United States, and an individual has to figure out which one they might qualify for. It must be noted that law changes in 2005 made it somewhat more difficult to file for Chapter 7. The changes were made to cut down on abuses of the system and to decrease the prominence of repeat offenders. Now, credit counseling is a mandatory aspect of filing. Specific tests are also put in place to make sure that eligibility standards are met. These standards include looking at the individual’s income, their expenses, and their dependents to see whether or not they qualify.
It is important to note that many will tell you that you don’t need a Chapter 7 attorney to file for bankruptcy. And it is true, you don’t. The system is set up in such a way that anyone can file and find out their fate without ever stepping foot in a lawyer’s office. However, it should be pointed out that the same holds true of someone charged with a crime. There is no law that states you have to be represented by a defense lawyer in court, but as a wise man once said, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” The same principle, unfortunately, holds true here. Bankruptcy law is complicated and even the best, most experienced lawyers have been known to make mistakes. Knowing that, how do you think you will fare? Sure, it is cheaper to go it alone, but those savings begin to melt away when you are rejected because you filled out a form incorrectly. Get legal assistance, pay the bill, and get on the road to financial recovery.